[Freeipa-devel] updates and deletes

Kevin McCarthy kmccarth at redhat.com
Thu Aug 16 16:33:57 UTC 2007

Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Karl MacMillan wrote:
>> If we don't expose the attributes directly but hide them behind methods
>> we could also track changes to the python object, generate a modlist
>> from that, and pass only mods to the XML-RPC layer.
> I'm going to leave this to Kevin to answer. I'm not sure how it would work 
> with the GUI. I think that everything goes through setValue() so we could 
> theoretically track changes.
> The LDAP API provides a very nice function that generates the modlist for 
> us. It would be really nice to be able to use that.

The gui needs to track changes across multiple pages.  I was originally
planning on using hidden fields for each mutable field (phone_orig, etc).
Then manually comparing at the end before submitting.

Rob's latest API patch has changed how I do things.  Now I'm taking
        user = client.get_user(uid)
        user_data = b64encode(dumps(user.toDict()))
and stuffing user_data into a hidden field.

During the final update, I just 
        orig_user = loads(b64decode(kw.get('user_orig')))
        new_user = dict(orig_user)
        new_user['givenname'] = kw.get('givenname')
        new_user['sn']        = kw.get('sn')
        new_user['mail']      = kw.get('mail')
        new_user['telephoneNumber'] = kw.get('telephoneNumber')
        client.update_user(orig_user, new_user)

Either way, if I have the original and new values, I can pass in the
hashes or call setters on fields that have changed.  Both work for me.

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