[Freeipa-devel] ipa-cli examples

Masato Taruishi taruishi at redhat.com
Tue Jul 3 18:25:10 UTC 2007

Hi, FreeIPA guys.

Sorry about my stupid mail. I'm new to FreeIPA, but
instersted in this project. 

I couldn't find the design detail but I experimentally
wrote a simple flexible library to manage LDAP, and others,
entries and some tools using the library in this weekend.
It's a very quick implementation, poor feature and needs
refactoring, but if it's useful for this project, I'd like
to contribute these tools.


- flexible LDAP management library in python including

  * PasswordModifyExtension support
  * PagedResultsControl support

- example command line tools

  * ipa-useradd

     Add a user to LDAP like /usr/sbin/useradd

  * ipa-userdel

     Delete a user from LDAP like /usr/sbin/userdel

  * ipa-vipw

     Edit user database in LDAP like /usr/sbin/vipw

  * ipa-passwd

     Change user password in LDAP by using Password
     Modify Extension

How To Use:

1. Install python-ldap

   ~# yum install python-ldap

2. Unpack ipa-cli-taru.tar.gz

   ~$ tar zxf ipa-cli-taru.tar.gz

3. Change directory

   ~$ cd ipa-cli/src

4. Add user

   ~$ ./ipa-useradd -H ldap://localhost/dc=example,dc=com \
          -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w <password> user1

5. Edit user

   ~$ ./ipa-vipw -H
ldap://localhost/dc=example,dc=com???objectClass=posixAccount \
          -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w <password>

6. Change password

   ~$ ./ipa-passwd -H ldap://localhost/dc=example,dc=com \
          -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w <password> -Z user1
   Old password: <press enter>
   New password: <press freeipa>
   New password(again): <press freeipa>

7. Remove user

   ~$ ./ipa-userdel -H ldap://localhost/dc=example,dc=com \
          -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w <password> user1

The following README file can be found in the attached
tarball, but you can read the document here before
unpacking the tarball.

I hope this work will help this project.

Best regards.

REAMDE in tarball

Required packages:



This directory contains a library to manage LDAP entries and command
tools using the library. Currently, the following experimental command
line tools are provided:

* ipa-useradd
    Add a user to LDAP with similar interfaces to /usr/sbin/useradd

* ipa-userdel
    Delete a user from LDAP with similar interfaces to /usr/sbin/userdel

* ipa-vipw
    Edit user database in LDAP with similar interfaces to /usr/sbin/vipw

* ipa-passwd
    Change user password in LDAP by using Password Modify Extension


'ipa-useradd' easily adds a new user to LDAP.


   ~$ ipa-useradd -H ldap://localhost/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com \
       -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w secret user1


    usage: ipa-useradd [options] LOGIN

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H URL, --url=URL     LDAP url
      -D BINDDN, --binddn=BINDDN
                            bind DN
      -w BINDPW, --bindpw=BINDPW
                            bind password
      --config=CONFIG       config file
      -S SECTION, --section=SECTION
                            use SECTION for user account container
      -Z                    Start TLS request for LDAP connection
      -d HOME_DIR, --home-dir=HOME_DIR
                            home directory for the new user account
      -c COMMENT, --comment=COMMENT
                            set the GECOS field for the new user account
      -g GROUP, --gid=GROUP
                            force use GROUP for the new user account
      -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                            use encrypted password for the new user
      -s SHELL, --shell=SHELL
                            the login shell for the new user account
      -u UID, --uid=UID     force use the UID for the new user account


'ipa-usedel' easily deletes a user from LDAP.


   ~$ ipa-userdel -H ldap://localhost/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com \
       -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w secret user1


    usage: ipa-userdel [options] LOGIN

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H URL, --url=URL     LDAP url
      -D BINDDN, --binddn=BINDDN
                            bind DN
      -w BINDPW, --bindpw=BINDPW
                            bind password
      --config=CONFIG       config file
      -S SECTION, --section=SECTION
                            use SECTION for user account container
      -Z                    Start TLS request for LDAP connection


'ipa-vipw' creates a /etc/passwd-like file by using LDAP in order to
  LDAP users easily.


   ~$ ipa-vipw \
ldap://localhost/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com???objectClass=posixAccount \
    -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w secret


    usage: ipa-vipw [options]

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H URL, --url=URL     LDAP url
      -D BINDDN, --binddn=BINDDN
                            bind DN
      -w BINDPW, --bindpw=BINDPW
                            bind password
      --config=CONFIG       config file
      -S SECTION, --section=SECTION
                            use SECTION for user account container
      -s SCOPE, --scope=SCOPE
                            LDAP search scope: one of 'one' or 'sub'
      -C COLUMNS, --columns=COLUMNS
                            list of colums
      -Z                    Start TLS request for LDAP connection


'ipa-passwd' asks old password and new password twice and change the
  user password in LDAP by using LDAP Password Modify Extension.
  If you bind as rootdn, then you don't have to input 'Old password: '
  and just press enter.


   ~$ ipa-passwd \
    -H ldap://localhost/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com \
    -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w secret -Z user1
   Old password: <press enter>
   New password: <press freeipa>
   New password(again): <press freeipa>


    usage: ipa-passwd [options] [LOGIN]

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H URL, --url=URL     LDAP url
      -D BINDDN, --binddn=BINDDN
                            bind DN
      -w BINDPW, --bindpw=BINDPW
                            bind password
      --config=CONFIG       config file
      -S SECTION, --section=SECTION
                            use SECTION for user account container
      -Z                    Start TLS request for LDAP connection


You can use configuration file to define your database in order to
reduce command line arguments. The format of the configuration file
follows python general configuration format such as:


option = value
option2 = value2



url =
dn = cn=Directory Manager
password = secret

If you create the above configration to the file 'ipa.cf', then
the proper command would be:

~$ ipa-useradd --config ipa.cf -S user user1
~$ ipa-userdel --config ipa.cf -S user user1
~$ ipa-vipw --config ipa.cf -S user

Supported Options

The following options are supported:

url = ldap://localhost/          The LDAP URL of this container.

                                    BNF definition of LDAP URL.

                                     hostport     host:port
                                     dn           distinguished name
                                     attributes   list with attributes
                                     scope        search scope string
                                     filter       LDAP search filter
                                     ldapurl = scheme "://" [hostport]
                                         [dn ["?" [attrs] ["?" [scope]
                                         ["?" [filter] ["?"

                                   You can attributes, scope, filter
terminal to
                                   specify these values rather than
                                   'attrs', 'scope', 'filterstr' options
                                   These values are ignored if you use

                                   <extensions> are currently not used.

attrs = cn,uid,ou                  Attribute List separated by comma
filterstr = objectClass=person     LDAP Filter String
scope = one|sub                    LDAP Search Scope
auehmethod = anonymous|simple      LDAP BIND method, anonymous bind
                                    or simple bind
dn = cn=Directory Manager          BINDDN for simple bind
password = a                       BINDPW for simple bind
debug = true                       Turn on debugging for this container
page_size = 10                     Size of Page for LDAP
tls = true                         Enable StartTLS extension

-------------- next part --------------
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