[Freeipa-devel] multi-valued cn in groups and memberOf?

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Nov 14 16:40:37 UTC 2007


If we have a group with a multi-valued CN how does memberOf deal with that?

Does it create a separate memberOf for each one? Or does it use only the 
"first" CN, whatever that means?

So if I have cn=doctors,cn=quacks,cn=groups,...

And a member: uid=spock,cn=accounts,...

If I do a memberOf what will I get back? That spock is a member of 
doctors, or quacks or both?

This has implications on doing RDN changes. If we drop a CN I need to 
know what to expect when it comes to group membership. The uniquemembers 
field will be the same, of course, but what about memberOf?


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