[Freeipa-devel] fedora-ds schema for DNS

William Baker bbaker at priefert.com
Thu Jan 10 17:31:39 UTC 2008

I am attemping to find the schema used for storing DNS records in 
fedora-ds.  In particular, I was looking for the objectclass of 
dNSZone.  All that I have found is a little bit of contraversy about 
schema defs for aRecord and dNSRecord regarding old RFC's and Netscape 

There are four missing pieces of documentation on the fedora directory 
site.  The two that I am interested in are "Howto: BIND" and "Howto: 
DHCP".  I would like to write the "Howto: BIND".

As a starting point, I either need to find or create the schema for 
storing DNS records.  I was hoping this project would have the "blessed" 
schema.  I downloaded FreeIPA sources and did some searching but didn't 
find this schema.  I hope to have a machine set up soon where I can 
install the current freeipa and see how it works a little more closely, 
but that won't happen until next week.

Does anybody currently have such a schema?
Any insight into putting DNS information into FDS?


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