[Freeipa-devel] [PATCHES] Bring master up to Jason's tree

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Mon Feb 2 19:35:18 UTC 2009

Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Once we get things settled in master I'll leave it up to Jason to keep 
> it up to date :-)
> For now, this refreshes from his tree. It is 38 patches. I've already 
> done a cursory review. I'm going to respond to my own e-mail with some 
> issues.
> I think it would be easiest if we commit all these patches and then 
> address any issues found. It will make moving forward easier.

Ok, here are the things I've found

- Some of the tests where hosts are involved were switched from a 
hardcoded ipaexample.$DOMAIN to the current host. I purposely used this 
hostname so we could avoid collisions with real services. The tests 
actually delete data. Even though this shouldn't be run against a 
production server...

- In KerbTransport() I originally was setting extra_headers directly. It 
was changed at some point to +=. I think this is probably better since 
extra_headers is passed in as an argument. We don't want to overwrite 
things passed in.

- The # of plugins in misc/plugins.py is misleading. It is really the # 
of functions in the API, not the number of plugins.

- The regisgrations of the ra plugin are currently all commented out

-In some of the tests I use things like res.get('somevalue','') instead 
of res['somevalue'] so we don't crash on KeyError. Either way the test 
will fail, not sure which is easier to understand.


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