[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH][SSSD] Refactor nss_ctx to resp_ctx in responders

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Thu Mar 26 15:02:03 UTC 2009

The generic responder code was copied from the NSS code, but it was
still using nss_ctx everywhere. The NSS code subsequently branched off,
so the implementation of the nss_ctx was different in the two places.

I have refactored the version of nss_ctx in the responder code to be a
resp_ctx instead.

This patch is essentially just a global search-and-replace for
"nss_ctx"->"resp_ctx" (and "nctx"->"rctx") in the PAM and common
responder code.

Stephen Gallagher
RHCE 804006346421761

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