[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH][SSSD] Build the sss_client code in the same tree as the server

Simo Sorce ssorce at redhat.com
Mon Mar 30 21:47:57 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 16:53 -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Move the contents of the sss_client tree into the server directory
> so that we can build them from a common makefile and build command.
> This will allow us to share a config.h between the server and
> client so we don't have to separately configure pipe paths on both
> sides so they are in agreement.
> This code also modifies the monitor so the service pipe is always
> fixed at compile-time, rather than at runtime. Allowing the monitor
> to change pipes while running adds needless complexity to config
> reloading.
> This patch is not nearly as large as it looks, since it also includes
> moving sss_client/* to server/sss_client/* with very few changes (only
> sss_cli.h changed).
> This patch is also (provisionally) pushed to
> http://fedorapeople.org/gitweb?p=sgallagh/public_git/sssd.git;a=commit;h=bfff6c844273444bbf3e2609f8df1372f110c0f1
> so it's easier to verify that only the one file changed during the
> move.

I am not sure I agree with moving sss_client into server.

If the reason is just so that we can build them at the same time and
have just one config.h I would rather explore the chance of moving
configure and makefiles into the root and leave the code where it is

But I would like to discuss merit and cons of both approaches

I still also like the ability to build them separately because on
systems that have both 32 and 64 bit libraries you will want to built
the client both for 32bit and 64bit while the server will probably just
be 64 bit, and you don't want to build it 32bit again nor install the 32
bit version of the server.

So whatever the final shape it must be possible to build just the client
if needed.


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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