[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 635 wait for memberof plugin when doing reverse members

Jan Zelený jzeleny at redhat.com
Thu Dec 9 08:38:38 UTC 2010

Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com> wrote:
> Give the memberof plugin time to work when adding/removing reverse members.
> When we add/remove reverse members it looks like we're operating on
> group A but we're really operating on group B. This adds/removes the
> member attribute on group B and the memberof plugin adds the memberof
> attribute into group A.
> We need to give the memberof plugin a chance to do its work so loop a
> few times, reading the entry to see if the number of memberof is more or
> less what we expect. Bail out if it is taking too long.
> ticket 560
> rob

About that FIXME you got there: I'm not sure if it wouldn't be better to 
handle the possible exception right in the wait_for_memberof method (I guess 
it depends on what exception are we expecting and what are we going to do with 
it?). If you want the exception to reach the calling function, I'd like to see 
some kind of exception handling in that function - either to let the user know 
that the error occurred during this waiting or maybe to disregard the 
exception and continue normal operation.

Some nitpicking: I'm confused - in the doc string you state that "this will 
loop for 6+ seconds" and a couple lines below, you have a comment "Don't sleep 
for more that 6 seconds" - is there a mistake ar are these two statements 


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