[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 0024 - Better random ranges

David O'Brien davido at redhat.com
Mon Dec 13 04:13:03 UTC 2010

Simo Sorce wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 08:21:20 -0500
> Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Something we used to do at my old job was base it on the IPv4
>>>> address of the primary network adapter in the machine. Basically,
>>>> we could take the integer representation of the IP address, take
>>>> the modulus 10000 of it, and choose the range from that.
>>> That's not needed, if you want to force a specific range you can
>>> simply pass an option to the installer.
>>>> This would also provide a guarantee that replicas on the same
>>>> network would get unique ranges (instead of a 1 in 10,000 chance
>>>> of doubling up).
>>> Replicas take a cut of the range from the first master, sharing the
>>> assigned initial range between them (see the DNA plugin[1] Shared
>>> config to understand how it works)
>>>> These are just suggestions. The patch as it exists right now looks
>>>> fine to me (though I haven't tested it).
>>> I have tested it :)
>>> Simo.
>>> [1] http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/DNA_Plugin
>> In that case: ack.
> Pushed to master.
> Simo.
Did this make it into a man page or other doc anywhere, or is there a 
ticket to do so?

Also, s/arent't/aren't/  ;-)

David O'Brien
Red Hat Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
+61 7 3514 8189

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains 
a fool forever."
  ~ Chinese proverb

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