[Freeipa-devel] ACI permissions UI up for review

Dmitri Pal dpal at redhat.com
Mon Dec 13 18:28:07 UTC 2010

>> In addition to the issues I explain above here is what I also noticed:
>> 1) As we mentioned there is no "Description" in ACI. The description and
>> name is the same field for ACI.
> Description is in the Meta data, and gets returned with ipa
> permission_show, role_show, and privilege_show

May be but I was under impression that the name and description is
really the same.

>> 2) There is a label it is the name of the task group the ACI is
>> associated with - it is missing
> It is not in the metadata.

Then it should be unless we can always name it the same way as name, but
as far as I understand this is not the case right now.

>> 3) Rest of the screen does not make much sense at all but the attribute
>> part seems fine.
>> 4) I do not like some of the levels on the left in the menu. It is all
>> mixed up.
>> 5) The Privileges, Permissions and Role Groups are jumping and changing
>> places depending on your selection - this is wrong. They should just
>> expand.
> They do "just expand" and contract, but we don't have any animation in
> there.  The order stays the same, but the are under each one either
> shows or hides the controls.

No, the one you click bubbles to the top at least for me.

>> 6) The hierarchy is broken for permissions
> What hierarchy?
The LIST PERMISSIONS is now on the same level as Permissions - this is

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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