[Freeipa-devel] A handful of one liners

Adam Young ayoung at redhat.com
Fri Dec 17 21:43:05 UTC 2010

Saw three things that I fixed with one line patches:

1.  When browsing page unauthorized.html from firefox4, It showed a 
blank screen, but with what looked like valid source.  turns out, the 
title open tag was closed with an h2, which didn't match.  Rendered fine 
on firefox3, but not on 4.

2.  The link for kerberos time out was the generic "hoiw to configure 
the browser" page as opposed to the file unauthorized.html which 
actually performs the configuration.

3.  The text for the kinit timeout message  read 'run KInit'  but the 
command is kinit.  Fixed the capitalization.

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