[Freeipa-devel] Playing with UI

Adam Young ayoung at redhat.com
Thu Oct 14 00:38:45 UTC 2010

On 10/13/2010 05:10 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> Hi,
> I took the liberty of playing with UI a bit and trying different things.
> Below is some comments on what I observed. Some are cosmetic but they
> annoy me a bit so I will list them anyways. They probably belong to one
> (may be already existing) ticket

Most of these are not in tickets yet.Most of them are known issues.  
Much of the layout has been modified from the JQuery.UI infrastructure, 
but needs tweaks.  We spent a lot of time on that, so I wanted to move 
on to implementing functionality before headed back to scrub the UI.  A 
lot of these were going to get chenged/fixed by other wrok, so I wasn't 
too worried about them.

I'll log most of them as individual tickets.  They should each be just a 
small amount of work, but it will keep the details from getting lost.

I've made some comments inline that should hopefully give you some context.

> Self service case - logged as a newly created user:
> a) I do no like the fonts on the tiles. The words "Identity" etc are
> hard to see. They should be bigger font and bold.
We have to go through and standardize all the Fonts.  I don't know if 
the ones specified in the UXD document are implemented across the board, 
and if they are, if they are the right size.

> b) The green tiles are ok in general but the gray line on them looks weird

The green line is an artifact of a mismatch between the background 
images that we got from UXD and what JQuery UI requires.  I think the 
right solution is to make the images larger, basically the same size as 
the JQuery.UI images, but I have not experimented with this yet.

> c) Facets on the user details (and other pages) should be spread out.
> Currently the are too close to each other
That shoulnd't be too hard to do.  Need to modify the CSS class for 
these.  Didn't want to spend too much time on them, since I thought we 
might replace them with JQUry.UI Tabs, but it looks like the Facets are 
here to stay.

> d) The mouse pointer does not turn into a hand or something usually
> associated with clickability when I point to the identity tile, "User"
> tile or on the undo marker or collapse section "-" sign on the details page

There is something strange going on with hyperlinks.  You need to set 
the href= to something other than null, but sometimes if you do, it 
messes up the Javascript.  Without it, the pointer goes away.  Adding 
the pointer can be done with additional Javascript, or with CSS.  Infact 
the JQuery.UI tabs should be doing it with CSS.  We'll have to investgate.

> e) Tooltips on user details page show LDAP fields. Is this intended?
I think we are using the wrong attribute from the Metadata, it should be 
the Doc field.

> f) Password reset does not work on the user page
I'm currently working on fixing that and the other controls that are not 
automatically generated from the Metadata.

> g) Account status toggle is confusing. It says "inactive"  for a newly
> created user. Toggle should be a link or button.
It is a link, but we've overridden the hyperlink CSS style to remove the 
underline elsewhere, and it is inherited there.   It will be one of the 
JQuery UI controls when we are done.

> h) Multiple phones and emails are still not implemented
Fixed in the patch I sent out for review, modulo some wierdness when 
adding and removing multiple times on one page.

> i) GID/UID are not "protected" fields on the details page
> j) Search should be definitely removed from the facets (at least for the
> self service use case)
Already a Ticket

> Admin use case
> a) Identity->Users page
> * Columns are very strangely aligned. The checkbox column is too wide
Part of the CSS scub.  I think it needs its own class.
> * User login though a link by the behavior it does not look like a link
Same Hyperlink issue as active/inactive
> c) In the "User groups" facet
> * "User groups" is ok as a title of the facet but not ok as the title of
> the list of the groups user is enrolled in. Suggest we change it to
> "Groups that the user is a member of" or something like this. We have a
> lot of space in the title to be less confusing

Noted.  We can put whatever text we want there.

> * The group names should be links in this list
> * There is no way to remove user from a group
Ticket for this is 287: Deleting Enrollment
> * There is no check box column on the a check box in the title. I think
> the whole list is broken.
Checkbox will probably be put in as part of the delete enrollment ticket

> * Should there be quick links?
Not according to the UI doc.
> d) Enrolling into a group
> The filter finds even the group that the user is already a member of and
> dialog allows to add them to the results list.
> No warning is shown later indicating that user is already in the group.
Mimics the UI in that effect.  We have no way of querying "All groups 
but the one that the user is in"

We obviously should remove the users groups from the list, but then we 
have an interesting edge case:  if the user removes a group (without 
saving) and then reruns the search, we need to put the group back in to 
the search results, or there will be no way to recover from accidentally 
removing a group, short of cancelling out, or removing it and then 
re-adding it,.

> e) Facens for a host are confusing. It has "users" there.
Automatically generated.  Not sure why there is any relation between 
hosts and users.
> f) For services the Hosts facet should not be there I think. There
> should a link on the details page to jump to the host details page.
Again, auto generated off the Metadata.  We have a relationship between 
hosts and services, as Rob explained on Tuesday.  thie is the host that 
can manage the Service, not the host that the service runs on.
> g) "Back to top" link at the bottom of the page brings you to the list
> of users. This seems to be wrong.
Yeah.  We'll need cutom code for those, as we've taken over the 
hashchange event, which is what normally does jumps  around on the page.

> h) Clicking on the "Global" password policy produces an error

Yeah, this is a one-off.  There is no Group named GLOBAL, but we treat 
the name as if it were a group.  If the pkey is global, we need to 
remove it, and make sure we pass no pkey in to the search.

> Generally a lot of progress and a good foundation...
> ... but there is a lot of cleanup in front of us. I suggest as soon as
> we agree on the design of the HBAC and DNS we start polishing the UI
> section by section area by area.

One other thing is that we need to go through all the  fields and push 
the I18N into the  plugin.  The Code is in place to pick it up, but we 
are masking a lot of it in The Javascript code.


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