[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 045 Add DNS record modification command

Adam Young ayoung at redhat.com
Mon Apr 4 14:45:33 UTC 2011

On 04/04/2011 10:26 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/04/2011 03:38 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>> I think that this is kinda hard to do in CLI..in GUI the user can
>>>> easily pick a record to mod, but for CLI case I would actually lean
>>>> towards the approach Martin took in his original patch..that is, a
>>>> -mod replaces the entries altogether.
>> Why is it hard ?
>> You just need to provide means to delete and add records in the same
>> command.
>> ipa dnsrecord-mod DNSZONE DNSRECORD --del-a-rec= \
>> --add-a-rec=
>> to replace all:
>> ipa dnsrecord-mod DNSZONE DNSRECORD --del-all --add-a-rec=
> I was not trying to say it is not technically doable, but it's hard to
> use. Imagine how the --help output would look like, if for every RR we
> would also generate a --del equivalent..even now the output almost
> doesn't fit on screen.
I agree.  I am not a far of the ability to do operations for multiple 
record types in the same command.  It is strangly in consistant to be 
able to add an A Record, CNAMe, MX and AAAA record all in the same command.

I'm starting to think that the dnsrecord should not be a separate entity 
exposed by the CLI, but instead should be wrapped up into the dnszone 
entity.  That seems to be how the LDAP object is defined.  We treat each 
record type as a multi-value field, and we use a consistant look and 
feel as  email addresses and phone numbers in the user object.  Then, 
modifying an A record is the same as modifing a phone number:  us 
add-attr/set-addr for each valu.

Step one would be to modify the dns zone object to have this API, and to 
mark the dnsrecord object as deprecated.  We can leave it for the 
remainder of the release, and remove it in 3.0

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