[Freeipa-devel] About FreeIPA Blurb

Adam Young ayoung at redhat.com
Wed Apr 13 15:34:22 UTC 2011

The FreeIPA.org Landing page needs a better description of the project.  
Can anyone suggest a One-Three line description that orients people to 
FreeIPA, assuming they know little/nothing about the project?  Exl;ainig 
that it integrates Kerbers an LDAp is the second step, but it really is 
an implementation detail.

I typacilly tell people that we do for Linux systems what Active 
Directory does for Windows systems.  This explanation works for people 
familiar with AD, and then we can talk about how IPA is built on open 
source code and open standards.

The closest we have4 right now is

"FreeIPA is an integrated security information management solution ..."  
this is a good start, but is a little generic.

I'll throw this out as a strawman:

FreeIPA is a centralized management solution for Users and Computers.  
Built on Open Standards and open source software, IPA allows you to 
securely  establish policy for access to the resources in your 

I challenge you to come up with a better one.

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