[Freeipa-devel] [WIP] Add command to test HBAC rules

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Fri Jul 22 09:32:13 UTC 2011


attached please find a first cut of an HBAC tester command to CLI,
FreeIPA ticket https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/386

The idea behind this plugin is to re-use pyhbac module provided by SSSD
project which is Python bindings for SSSD's libipa_hbac code used for
actual HBAC rule execution. This requires libipa_hbac-python package.

There are four modes implemented by the plugin given (user, source host,
target host, service), attempt to login user coming from source host to
target host's service:

1. Use all enabled HBAC rules in IPA database to simulate
[root at host0 ~]# ipa  hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar
Access granted: True

2. Use all enabled HBAC rules in IPA database + explicitly specified
(disabled) rules
[root at host0 ~]# ipa  hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar
--service=ssh --rules=my-second-rule
Access granted: True

3. Use only explicitly specified HBAC rules
[root at host0 ~]# ipa  hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar
--service=ssh --rules=my-second-rule,new-rule --validate
Access granted: True
  Passed rules: new-rule
  Denied rules: my-second-rule

4. Get detailed result of simulation for all enabled HBAC rules:
[root at host0 ~]# ipa  hbactest --user=a1a --srchost=foo --host=bar
--service=ssh  --validate
Access granted: True
  Passed rules: allow_all
  Denied rules: my-second-rule, my-third-rule, myrule

--validate option forces to run detailed simulation and report per-rule
results. Results are: passed, denied, error. The latter one is for
wrongly specified rules which should not be enabled.

When --validate specified together with --rules, only HBAC rules
specified on the command line are considered.

I'm still not sure if running simulation against all disabled HBAC rules
in databse is worth it.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
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