[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 028 Code cleanup of HBAC, Sudo rules

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Tue Oct 25 17:57:01 UTC 2011

On 10/25/2011 7:49 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
>> 2. The set_facet() is added to widget. I don't think we want to make
>> widget dependent on facet. The facet so far is only used by
>> IPA.sudo.enable_widget. In IPA.sudo.options_section the facet object is
>> passed as a parameter in spec.

> Are you saying that dependency on facet in ALL widgets is bad and only
> in a few is good, or in any is bad?

In general less dependency is better. More dependency will limit its 
usage. This is inline with the goal to make purely HTML widget.

But if a widget is meant to be used only with a facet then it's 
certainly ok to make it depends on facet. However, the rest should not 
become unnecessarily dependent on facet too.

> I think it doesn't matter if all is dependant when one is dependant.
> Anyway currently all association table widgets are dependant
> (association.js:386).

Let's use this as an example. The association table explicitly checks if 
the facet is dirty and asks the user whether to update/reset/cancel. 
Suppose we want to use this inside a dialog, it will still check whether 
the current facet is dirty instead of the dialog itself, which may not 
be what we want.

> Btw similar topic could be: "How to get current entity's pkey?'.
> Dependancy on facet.get_primary_key() or
> IPA.nav.get_state(that.entity.name+'-pkey') seems wrong too.

Yes. Ideally we should have a path (REST-style URL) instead of the 
current parameter-based URL. We should get the pkey from that path.

>> 3. When updating sudo rule, in the original code the rule is
>> enabled/disabled after all the modifications are done. In the new code
>> it's reversed. I'm not sure the importance of the execution order for
>> this particular situation, but suppose it is, is there a way to maintain
>> the original order?
> I was thinking about a command or widget priority. The 'mod' command
> would have some default priority or it would get it from facet. The
> commands would be sorted by priority before adding them to batch. This
> way we can set exact order in facet update.

It's possible, but managing priority could be problematic if they are 
spread out, because we have to know all existing priorities before we 
can add a new one. The original code uses an ordered list of commands.

> The order which is implemented now is reflecting the order in HBAC
> details facet - there were errors when 'mod' was executed before
> clearing associations.

Right, so for certain things the order is important.

>> 4. The IPA.header_widget is not really a widget, it's actually part of
>> layout. In the current implementation a widget always corresponds to an
>> attribute, so it will be loaded, saved, etc. Since there is no attribute
>> name matching the header name currently this is not a problem, but it
>> can pollute the namespace.
> This is part of widget nesting topic. In this manner composite_widget
> isn't a proper widget too (it can correspond to several or none attribute).
> Purely html rendering widgets can be separated from attribute widgets,
> but it would be nice to have them because they can provide easier form
> composing. Without them it would be required to override the create
> method (in facet or composite_widget/section) which is sometimes better
> but often it creates only code duplication with little added logic.

One other solution is to split widgets into non-visual fields and purely 
HTML components. Then in the facet we use separate lists for the fields 
and HTML components. The fields will have a reference to the 
corresponding HTML components. There can be more HTML components than 
fields. But this will require a significant restructuring.

>> 5. In details facet update(), instead of storing the callbacks in
>> update_custom_on_win and update_custom_on_fail and requiring the
>> subclasses to call them, it might be better to call them from the
>> update() itself:
>> var command = IPA.command({
>> ...
>> on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) {
>> that.on_update_success(data, text_status, xhr)
>> if (on_win) on_win.call(this, data, text_status, xhr);
>> },
>> on_error: function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) {
>> that.on_update_error(xhr, text_status, error_thrown);
>> if (on_fail) on_fail.call(
>> this, xhr, text_status, error_thrown);
>> }
>> });
> There are two types of success/error handlers:
> 1) the default ones in details facet
> 2) the ones supplied to update(win, fail) method.
> In my implementation I have separated 1) from update method so if
> default behaviour isn't suitable these methods can be overridden without
> overriding whole update method. Overriding isn't required. This is IMHO
> good (less code duplication).

There is still code duplication, the subclass that overrides the 
on_update_success/error (#1) will still have to call 
update_custom_on_win/error (#2) manually. In the changes that I proposed 
you don't have to do that because #2 are called inside update().

>> 6. Can IPA.batch_details_facet be combined into IPA.details_facet? I
>> think the base details facet should support both regular mod and batch.
> The only point where they overlap is the update method. It's possible to
> add a logic to switch between command creations - maybe based on
> attribute (could be defined in spec). But should we do that? Isn't this
> the reason for inheriting the class?

Here's a scenario: suppose there's a subclass of IPA.details_facet that 
are so useful that it's used in many places. Then suppose we want to 
create a subclass of it but we want to do batch operation too, we'd have 
to copy the code from IPA.batch_details_facet.

I think the decision to use mod or batch should be separate from details 
facet. I'm thinking to create a separate class IPA.client which we can 
add commands into it and execute them either individually or as a batch.

Endi S. Dewata

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