[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH 82] Compliant client side session cookie behavior

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Fri Dec 7 20:44:41 UTC 2012

John Dennis wrote:
> Revised patch attached.

Why catch exceptions from client_session_keyring_keyname() when it 
doesn't raise any?

In store_session_cookie() shouldn't we log an error if a cookie can't be 
parsed, not a debug?

In apply_session_cookie() I think we should log Cookie.URLMismatch and 
Exception at the error level instead of debug.

My knowledge of cookies is rusty, but I don't understand this bit in 

+            if not url_path or not url_path.startswith('/'):
+                request_path = '/'
+            elif url_path.count('/') <= 1:
+                request_path = '/'
+            elif url_path.endswith('/'):
+                request_path = url_path[:-1]
+            else:
+                request_path = url_path

If my url_path cis /ipa isn't this going to treat it as "/"? That seems 

Functionally the patch appears to be fine.


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