[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 1031 run cleanallruv task

Martin Kosek mkosek at redhat.com
Wed Jul 4 10:35:59 UTC 2012

On 07/03/2012 04:41 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Deleting a replica can leave a replication vector (RUV) on the other servers.
> This can confuse things if the replica is re-added, and it also causes the
> server to calculate changes against a server that may no longer exist.
> 389-ds-base provides a new task that self-propogates itself to all available
> replicas to clean this RUV data.
> This patch will create this task at deletion time to hopefully clean things up.
> It isn't perfect. If any replica is down or unavailable at the time the
> cleanruv task fires, and then comes back up, the old RUV data may be
> re-propogated around.
> To make things easier in this case I've added two new commands to
> ipa-replica-manage. The first lists the replication ids of all the servers we
> have a RUV for. Using this you can call clean_ruv with the replication id of a
> server that no longer exists to try the cleanallruv step again.
> This is quite dangerous though. If you run cleanruv against a replica id that
> does exist it can cause a loss of data. I believe I've put in enough scary
> warnings about this.
> rob

Good work there, this should make cleaning RUVs much easier than with the
previous version.

This is what I found during review:

1) list_ruv and clean_ruv command help in man is quite lost. I think it would
help if we for example have all info for commands indented. This way user could
simply over-look the new commands in the man page.

2) I would rename new commands to clean-ruv and list-ruv to make them
consistent with the rest of the commands (re-initialize, force-sync).

3) It would be nice to be able to run clean_ruv command in an unattended way
(for better testing), i.e. respect --force option as we already do for
ipa-replica-manage del. This fix would aid test automation in the future.

4) (minor) The new question (and the del too) does not react too well for CTRL+D:

# ipa-replica-manage clean_ruv 3 --force
Clean the Replication Update Vector for vm-055.idm.lab.bos.redhat.com:389

Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
consistency. Be very careful.
Continue to clean? [no]: unexpected error:

5) Help for clean_ruv command without a required parameter is quite confusing
as it reports that command is wrong and not the parameter:

# ipa-replica-manage clean_ruv
Usage: ipa-replica-manage [options]

ipa-replica-manage: error: must provide a command [clean_ruv | force-sync |
disconnect | connect | del | re-initialize | list | list_ruv]

It seems you just forgot to specify the error message in the command definition

6) When the remote replica is down, the clean_ruv command fails with an
unexpected error:

[root at vm-086 ~]# ipa-replica-manage clean_ruv 5
Clean the Replication Update Vector for vm-055.idm.lab.bos.redhat.com:389

Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
consistency. Be very careful.
Continue to clean? [no]: y
unexpected error: {'desc': 'Operations error'}

[04/Jul/2012:06:28:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - cleanAllRUV_task: failed
to connect to repl        agreement connection
tree,cn=config), error 105
[04/Jul/2012:06:28:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - cleanAllRUV_task: replica
tree,   cn=config) has not been cleaned.  You will need to rerun the
CLEANALLRUV task on this replica.
[04/Jul/2012:06:28:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - cleanAllRUV_task: Task
failed (1)

In this case I think we should inform user that the command failed, possibly
because of disconnected replicas and that they could enable the replicas and
try again.

7) (minor) "pass" is now redundant in replication.py:
+        except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS:
+            # We can't make the server we're removing read-only but
+            # this isn't a show-stopper
+            root_logger.debug("No permission to switch replica to read-only,
continuing anyway")
+            pass


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