[Freeipa-devel] New beaker server in mountain view

Michael Gregg mgregg at redhat.com
Tue May 15 01:55:47 UTC 2012

At long last, a beaker server is now up and running here in Mountain View.

The beaker server is able to control nearly all of the machines here at
the mountain view location.

Login to it here:

You should be able to login with your kerberos username and password.

If you would like to use beaker through the cli, follow these steps:
1. make sure you have beaker client installed and configured for use
with the wesford lab controller.
2. Download and install this RPM:
3. you should be able to use "bkr-hammer" just as you would use the bkr

I may need to add you to some beaker groups to allow you to use all of
the machines here.

There is only a small number of tests in this beaker server. I tried to
add all of the ipa tasks. Feel free to add any missing tasks that you
need. Or, as me to add them, and I'm move them into this lab controller.

There is also a reduced set of rhel builds as there isn't enough
bandwidth here to sync the nightlies here. I'll keep this server syned
up with the latest snapshots. Look at the currently available distros
here: http://hammer1.dsdev.sjc.redhat.com/bkr/distros/

Give it a try, feedback is welcome.


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