[Freeipa-devel] IPA Git mirror

Petr Viktorin pviktori at redhat.com
Thu Mar 21 17:05:22 UTC 2013

Since our git repo has gotten extremely slow, I've been asked about my 
Github mirror. Since it might benefit others I'm sharing on the list.

The pull URL is git://github.com/encukou/freeipa.git, and it's updated 
twice an hour*.

I'd like to ask people that push patches to include the HEAD SHA1 in the 
notification e-mail, so we can pull from untrusted mirrors safely.

The current master is 41031fe121d6ec8bc9a6bb48b62068a9af905dc3 (Process 
exceptions when talking to Dogtag).


*the sync script only runs when my work machine is on (can't put it in 
the lab because it uses personal credentials). I'll leave it on until 
the official repo gets better.

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