[Freeipa-devel] Include proposal to contrib (expired user accounts query tool)

Antti Peltonen antti.peltonen at iki.fi
Thu Nov 14 17:08:09 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I have created the following
https://bitbucket.org/bcow/freeipa-expired-user-accounts-query tool to
mitigate a situation when users in directory never login to servers and
therefore do not receive alerts about expiring passwords. My tool can be
used to query the LDAP directory and list users that have expired passwords
and/or users with passwords about to expire in given amount of days.
External script can then be executed for each matching user to generate a
warning for the user via selected medium, for example by email.

Antti Peltonen | Homo sapiens | planet Earth
blog http://bcow.me | email antti.peltonen at iki.f <antti.peltonen at iki.fi>i
irc bcow at IRCNet,Freenode
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