[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 463-530 First part of RCUE adoption

Petr Vobornik pvoborni at redhat.com
Mon Nov 18 17:17:49 UTC 2013

On 11/15/2013 05:43 PM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
> On 11/15/2013 03:28 PM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
>> On 11/15/2013 02:40 PM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
>>> On 11/15/2013 02:26 PM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
>>>> Hello list,
>>>> this is a first part of RCUE adoption effort. Main themes of this patch
>>>> set are:
>>>> - use RCUE navigation <https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3902>
>>>> - new styles for textboxes, textareas, radio/checkbox buttons and
>>>> buttons- part of <https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3904>
>>>> - new internal form layout (tables replaced by divs)
>>>> - layout does not have fixed size
>>>> <https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3435>
>>>> - new dialog styles + removed dependency on jQuery UI dialog
>>>> - icons replaced by Font Awesome glyphs
>>>> Example is at: <http://pvoborni.fedorapeople.org/rcue/>
>>>> Some reasonings and additional info:
>>>> 1. RCUE includes Bootstrap which defines o lot of styles for a lot of
>>>> things. That messed up the UI and therefore I did the form changes now.
>>>> 2. jQuery UI is pretty big lib and we used it only for dialog and
>>>> buttons. Buttons were replaced by RCUE buttons so removal of dialog
>>>> dependency was a obvious step to get rid of the whole lib. The lib is
>>>> removed from main UI but is still present in separate pages - will be
>>>> removed later.
>>>> 3. Dojo and jQuery were upgraded to latest
>>>> versions.<https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2811>
>>>> This approach was ACKed by Kyle from a design perspective with a note
>>>> that we will review and fixed some styling after second phase. We
>>>> should
>>>> not release until then.
>>>> The second phase, which I'm working on right now, will consist of:
>>>>   * login screen <https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3903>
>>>>   * new styles for standalone pages
>>>>   * necessary responsive enhancement (the ultimate future goal is
>>>> responsive layout)
>>>> It's quite a lot of patches so I did not attach them here. You can see
>>>> the code in my private repo:
>>>> <git://fedorapeople.org/~pvoborni/freeipa.git> branch 'rcue'.
>>> Wow. Do we really need all these third-party fonts and styles in our
>>> repo?
>> It's common in Web development to offer all versions and let the browser
>> to choose one.
>> Since FreeIPA Web UI supports IE9+ we can safely reduce the font files
>> only to .woff fonts <http://caniuse.com/woff>. We can also discard all
>> Italic fonts (not used atm).
>> Fedora 20 has a new feature called Web Assets
>> <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Web_Assets> which should solve
>> such bundles. I'm not convinced that it's in usable state atm.
> That doesn't answer the question of why we need third-party compiled
> assets in the repo.
> Fedora spec files can also have multiple Sources, if we need to bundle
> for distribution.

I worry that it will be just source of build errors and such. For 
example I would like to have access to the files during development 
without running rpm build or using crystal ball to figure out what is 
needed and where to get it.

Now I would suggest to use Bower <http://bower.io/> to solve it, but it 
requires Node.js so I won't do that.

Here is some information about possible sources. Does it look usable to 
you in any way?

1. Open Sans
- hard to find usable source, they should be in googlefontdirectory 
<http://code.google.com/p/googlefontdirectory/> but that's 2.5GB+ 
Mercuial repo...
- some unofficial source (can be used by Bower): 
<https://github.com/FontFaceKit/open-sans> It has a bit different 
font-face declaration which would require additional changes

2. Overpass
- official distribution [1] contains only .ttf fonts
- .woff version is in git repo 

3. Font Awesome
- provides tarball <http://fontawesome.io/assets/font-awesome-4.0.3.zip>
- should not be a problem if I don't count .less files which required 
some changes because lesscpy could not process them

Fedora doesn't have any standalone .woff font packaged.


Petr Vobornik

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