[Freeipa-devel] [PATCHES 0024, 0025] Classless support for reverse domains

Jan Cholasta jcholast at redhat.com
Tue Feb 11 14:42:20 UTC 2014

On 11.2.2014 14:29, Martin Basti wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-02-10 at 14:28 +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>> On 10.2.2014 13:14, Martin Basti wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2014-02-10 at 12:22 +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>>>> On 10.2.2014 08:50, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>>> On 7.2.2014 10:42, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 2014-02-06 at 17:04 +0100, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, 2014-02-06 at 16:37 +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 6.2.2014 15:57, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 2014-02-06 at 10:59 +0100, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> On 31.1.2014 16:06, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Reverse domain names in form "0/" are now
>>>>>>>>>>> allowed.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4143
>>>>>>>>>>> Patches attached.
>>>>>>>>> I add Petr2 to CC, to inspect RFC issues, with allowing '/' in IPv6
>>>>>>>>>> I think the validation should be more strict. IPv4 reverse zones
>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>> allow slash only in the label for the last octet (i.e.
>>>>>>>>>> 0/ is
>>>>>>>>>> valid, 0.1/25.168.192 is not). IPv6 reverse zones should not allow
>>>>>>>>>> slash
>>>>>>>>>> at all.
>>>>>>>>> I havent found anything about IPv6, RFCs don't forbids it.
>>>>>>>> AFAIK the RFCs do not forbid anything, but we do validation anyway, so
>>>>>>>> we might as well do it right, otherwise there is no point in doing it.
>>>>>>> OK, I leave there only IPv4
>>>> For the record, we discussed this off-line with Martin and Petr and
>>>> figured out it would be best to allow slashes in IPv6 reverse zones
>>>> after all.
>>>>>>>>> 1.0/ is also valid, it could be used to
>>>>>>>>> CNAME
>>>>>>>>> records
>>>>>>>> Yes, obviously. It's 1.0.1/25.168.192.in-addr.arpa. I'm concerned
>>>>>>>> about.
>>>>>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6672#section-6.2
>>>>>>> This can give a very strange positions of / in FQDN
>>>> Point taken.
>>>>>>> Optionally, I could permit only 1 slash in domain name, but I have to
>>>>>>> inspect first if user can do something useful with subnet of subnet in
>>>>>>> DNS, like 1.0/25.128/25.168.192.in-addr.arpa
>>>>> Multiple slashes has to be allowed, without limitation to last octet.
>>>>> Imagine situation when split subnet is later split to even smaller pieces.
>>>>> Guys, do not over-engineer it. IMHO this validator should produce a
>>>>> warning is something is not as we expect but it should not block user
>>>>> from adding a record.
>>>>> We have had enough problems with too strict validators in the past and
>>>>> IMHO warning is the way to go.
>>>> I agree, but it's too late to get such change into 3.3.x.
>>>>> Petr^2 Spacek
>>>>>>>>> The slashes in domain names are referenced as the best practise in
>>>>>>>>> RFC,
>>>>>>>>> there are not strict rules.
>>>>>>>>>> +def _cname_hostname_validator(ugettext, value):
>>>>>>>>>> Can you name this _bind_cname_hostname_validator, so that it is
>>>>>>>>>> clear it
>>>>>>>>>> is related to _bind_hostname_validator?
>>>>>>>>> I will rename it
>>>>>>>>>> +        #classless reverse zones can contain slash '/'
>>>>>>>>>> +        if not zone_is_reverse(normalized_zone) and
>>>>>>>>>> (normalized_zone.count('/') > 0):
>>>>>>>>>> +            raise errors.ValidationError(name='name',
>>>>>>>>>> +                        error=_("Only reverse zones can contain
>>>>>>>>>> '/' in
>>>>>>>>>> labels"))
>>>>>>>>>> This should be handled in _domain_name_validator. Validation in
>>>>>>>>>> pre_callback should be done only when the validation depends on
>>>>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>>>>> of multiple parameters, which is not this case.
>>>>>>>>> I will move it
>>>>>>>>>> +    def _reverse_zone_pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs,
>>>>>>>>>> *keys,
>>>>>>>>>> **options):
>>>>>>>>>> Rename this to _idnsname_pre_callback and you won't have to call it
>>>>>>>>>> explicitly in run_precallback_validators.
>>>>>>>>> I will rename it
>>>>>>>>>> +            if addr.count('/') > 0:
>>>>>>>>>> I think "if '/' in addr:" would be better.
>>>>>>>>> I will change it
>>>>>>>>>> -def validate_dns_label(dns_label, allow_underscore=False):
>>>>>>>>>> +def validate_dns_label(dns_label, allow_underscore=False,
>>>>>>>>>> allow_slash=False):
>>>>>>>>>> IMO instead of adding a new boolean argument, it would be nicer to
>>>>>>>>>> replace allow_underscore with an argument (e.g. allowed_chars) which
>>>>>>>>>> takes a string of extra allowed characters.
>>>>>>>>> But I have to handle not only allowed chars, but position of the chars
>>>>>>>>> in the label string too.
>>>>>>>> Why? Is there a RFC that forbids it?
>>>>>>>> My point is, adding a new argument for each extra character is bad,
>>>>>>>> there should be a better way of doing that.
>>>>>>> I agree, but for example: "_" should be at start (it is not required be
>>>>>>> at the start in IPA), "/" and "-" in the middle.
>>>> OK then. (But I still don't like it.)
>>>>>> Updated patch attached.
>>>>>> Patch for tests is the same as previos.
>>>> +        validate_domain_name(value, allow_slash=True)
>>>> +
>>>> +        #classless reverse zones can contain slash '/'
>>>> +        normalized_zone = normalize_zone(value)
>>>> +        if not zone_is_reverse(normalized_zone) and ('/' in
>>>> normalized_zone):
>>>> +            return u"Only reverse zones can contain '/' in labels"
>>>> You don't need to enclose "x in y" in parentheses. Also I don't think
>>>> there is any value in pointing out that slash can be used for reverse
>>>> zones when giving an error for non-reverse zones. I would prefer
>>>> something like this instead:
>>>>            normalized_zone = normalize_zone(value)
>>>>            validate_domain_mame(value,
>>>> allow_slash=zone_is_reverse(normalized_zone))
>>>> +    def _idnsname_pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys,
>>>> **options):
>>>> +        #in reverse zone can a record name contains /, (and -)
>>>> +
>>>> +        if self.is_pkey_zone_record(*keys):
>>>> +            addr = u''
>>>> +        else:
>>>> +            addr = keys[-1]
>>>> +
>>>> +        zone = keys[-2]
>>>> +        zone = normalize_zone(zone)
>>>> +        if (not zone_is_reverse(zone)) and ('/' in addr):
>>>> +            raise errors.ValidationError(name='name',
>>>> +                    error=unicode(_('Only domain names in reverse zones
>>>> can contain \'/\'')) )
>>>> I think you can do better (from the top of my head and untested):
>>>>             if not self.is_pkey_zone_record(*keys):
>>>>                 zone, addr = normalize_zone(keys[-2]), keys[-1]
>>>>                 try:
>>>>                     validate_domain_name(addr + zone,
>>>> allow_slash=zone_is_reverse(zone))
>>>>                 except ValueError, e:
>>>>                     raise errors.ValidationError(name='idnsname',
>>>> error=str(e))
>>>> +        #Classless zones (0/ -> skip check
>>>> +        #zone has to be checked without reverse domain suffix
>>>> (in-addr.arpa.)
>>>> +        if '/' in addr or '/' in zone or '-' in addr or '-' in zone:
>>>> +            pass
>>>> +        else:
>>>> +            ip_addr_comp_count = addr_len + len(zone.split('.'))
>>>> +            if ip_addr_comp_count != zone_len:
>>>> +                raise errors.ValidationError(name='ptrrecord',
>>>> +                      error=unicode(_('Reverse zone %(name)s requires
>>>> exactly %(count)d IP address components, %(user_count)d given')
>>>> +                      % dict(name=zone_name, count=zone_len,
>>>> user_count=ip_addr_comp_count)))
>>>> Is there anything preventing us from dropping this whole check? I don't
>>>> think it makes sense anymore.
>>> IMO it doesnt have sense with classless reverse domains, but it is
>>> useful with classfull reverse domains, which are used more, to prevent
>>> users making mistakes.
>> OK, but please use a simple if instead of if/pass/else.
>>>> IMHO validate_dns_label is very ugly. I would prefer if it looked
>>>> something like this instead (again, from the top of my head and untested):
>>>> def validate_dns_label(dns_label, allow_underscore=False,
>>>> allow_slash=False):
>>>>        base_chars = 'a-z0-9'
>>>>        extra_chars = ''
>>>>        middle_chars = ''
>>>>        if allow_underscore:
>>>>            extra_chars += "_"
>>>>        if allow_slash:
>>>>            middle_chars += '/'
>>>>        middle_chars += '-'
>>>>        label_regex =
>>>> r'^[%(base)s%(extra)s]([%(base)s%(extra)%(middle)s]?[%(base)s%(extra)s])*$'
>>>> % dict(base=base_chars, extra=extra_chars, middle=middle_chars)
>>>>        regex = re.compile(label_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
>>>>        if not dns_label:
>>>>            raise ValueError(_('empty DNS label'))
>>>>        if len(dns_label) > 63:
>>>>            raise ValueError(_('DNS label cannot be longer that 63
>>>> characters'))
>>>>        if not regex.match(dns_label):
>>>>            chars = ', '.join('"%s"' % c for c in base_chars + extra_chars
>>>> + middle_chars)
>>>>            chars2 = ', '.join('"%s"' % c for c in middle_chars)
>>>>            raise ValueError(_('only letters, numbers, %(chars)s are
>>>> allowed. ' \
>>>>                               'DNS label may not start or end with
>>>> %(chars2)s') \
>>>>                               % dict(chars=chars, chars2=chars2))
>>> Thank you for the review, I will fix it.
> All fixed. Patches attached.


I see some new test failures caused by the error message change:

FAIL: test_netgroup[17]: netgroup_add_member: Add invalid host 
u'+invalid&host' to netgroup u'netgroup1'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in 
line 284, in <lambda>
     func = lambda: self.check(nice, **test)
line 298, in check
     self.check_exception(nice, cmd, args, options, expected)
line 324, in check_exception
     assert_deepequal(expected.strerror, e.strerror)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipatests/util.py", line 352, 
in assert_deepequal
     VALUE % (doc, expected, got, stack)
AssertionError: assert_deepequal: expected != got.

   expected = u"invalid 'host': only letters, numbers, _, and - are 
allowed. DNS label may not start or end with -"
   got = u"invalid 'host': only letters, numbers, '_', '-' are allowed. 
DNS label may not start or end with '-'"
   path = ()

FAIL: test_netgroup[32]: netgroup_mod: Add invalid host u'+invalid&host' 
to netgroup u'netgroup1' using setattr
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in 
line 284, in <lambda>
     func = lambda: self.check(nice, **test)
line 298, in check
     self.check_exception(nice, cmd, args, options, expected)
line 324, in check_exception
     assert_deepequal(expected.strerror, e.strerror)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipatests/util.py", line 352, 
in assert_deepequal
     VALUE % (doc, expected, got, stack)
AssertionError: assert_deepequal: expected != got.

   expected = u"invalid 'externalhost': only letters, numbers, _, and - 
are allowed. DNS label may not start or end with -"
   got = u"invalid 'externalhost': only letters, numbers, '_', '-' are 
allowed. DNS label may not start or end with '-'"
   path = ()

FAIL: test_raduisproxy[21]: radiusproxy_mod: Set server string of 
testradius to testradius.test:1:2:3 (invalid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in 
line 284, in <lambda>
     func = lambda: self.check(nice, **test)
line 298, in check
     self.check_exception(nice, cmd, args, options, expected)
line 324, in check_exception
     assert_deepequal(expected.strerror, e.strerror)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipatests/util.py", line 352, 
in assert_deepequal
     VALUE % (doc, expected, got, stack)
AssertionError: assert_deepequal: expected != got.

   expected = u"invalid 'ipatokenradiusserver': only letters, numbers, 
_, and - are allowed. DNS label may not start or end with -"
   got = u"invalid 'ipatokenradiusserver': only letters, numbers, '_', 
'-' are allowed. DNS label may not start or end with '-'"
   path = ()

FAIL: Test adding an invalid external host to Sudo rule using
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in 
line 500, in test_a_sudorule_mod_externalhost_invalid_addattr
     "DNS label may not start or end with -")

And one nitpick: please don't add the extra newlines around 


Jan Cholasta

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