[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 0159-0160 Support ID views in compat tree

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Tue Oct 7 15:00:46 UTC 2014

On Tue, 07 Oct 2014, thierry bordaz wrote:
>On 10/01/2014 06:16 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>Attached are patches to add support of FreeIPA ID views to Schema
>>compatibility plugin (slapi-nis). There are two patches for FreeIPA and
>>a separate patch for slapi-nis. Patches can be applied independently; if
>>old slapi-nis is installed, it will simply work with new configuration
>>but do nothing with respect to answering to requests using host-specific
>>ID views.
>>I included documentation on how slapi-nis ID views feature supposed to
>>work, available in slapi-nis/doc/ipa/ipa-sch.txt. Any comments and fixes
>>are welcome. There are no additional tests in slapi-nis to cover compat
>>trees, we have multiple tests in FreeIPA for this purpose, will be run
>>as part of FreeIPA CI effort.
>>FreeIPA patches add ACIs for accessing ID view-applied entries over
>>compat tree. They also include additional configuration; this
>>configuration is needed to properly resolve ID view overrides when
>>creating compat entries.
>>A second FreeIPA patch adds support to override login shell. This part
>>was missing from the original patchset by Tomas.
>>For trusted AD users one needs patches to SSSD 1.12.2, made by Sumit
>>Bose. There is also a regression (fixed by Sumit as well) that prevents
>>authentication of AD users over PAM which affects authentication over
>>compat tree. With the patch from Sumit authentication works again, both
>>with ID view and without it.
>>Freeipa-devel mailing list
>>Freeipa-devel at redhat.com
>Hi Alexander,
>   Just a minor remark about idview_get_overrides. It does an internal
>   search of the views and keep the returned views into
>   cbdata->overrides. Later the entries will be freed. Internal search
>   may also return referral arrays (usually freed by
>   slapi_free_search_results_internal). In case cn=views container
>   contains referral entries you may need to free them.
What would be a reason to return these referrals in IPA case? This code
is IPA-specific and we don't have any referrals for the tree or backend
we are dealing with. I agree it would be good to do in general but how
that is relevant to the specific use case?

>   Also, I have a concern about performance. My understanding is that
>   for each search, backend_search_cb allocates a new cbdata with
>   uninitialized 'overrides'. So it will trigger the internal search
>   idview_get_overrides.
>   Most of the time those overrides rules have not been updated, so
>   idview_get_overrides will retrieve the same entries.
>   Wouldn't it be possible to 'cache' those entries (to prevent the
>   internal search), and just clear those entries if a mod/add/del
>   happen one them ?
I was thinking about using this approach but rejected it for several
reasons, primary due to lack of development time. We can do a lot of
refactoring on how slapi-nis currently uses RAM to store all compat
entries at the same time; the current approach with ID overrides tries
to not complicate that logic. We agreed with Simo to do performance
optimizations at a later stage.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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