[Freeipa-devel] Splitting out ipaldap

Jan Cholasta jcholast at redhat.com
Tue Apr 14 15:22:11 UTC 2015


Dne 14.4.2015 v 16:38 Petr Viktorin napsal(a):
> Hello!
> As some of you know, I'm looking to help porting FreeIPA to Python 3.
> One of the major dependencies holding this back is python-ldap, which
> hasn't been ported yet. Some preliminary porting patches by Raphaël
> Barrois [0] are ready and have been sent to the python-ldap list. The
> python-ldap upstream has been very quiet about reviewing them so far,
> but they're something for me to test against, and maybe improve.
> To make the testing easier, I'd like to split out "ipaldap" to a
> stand-alone package, and port it to Python 3 first.
> This split will make it easier to test (since I don't have to port all
> of IPA), and being able to use our generic LDAP wrappers in non-IPA
> projects could maybe also invite some community participation. Also,
> ipaldap unit tests are somewhat lacking, so I'll help with that.
> Packaging-wise, I want "ipaldap" to be on the same level as "ipapython"
> or "ipaserver"; additionally I want to release it on PyPI [1].

Note that I don't consider ipaldap API stable and don't want to put any 
effort in maintaining backward compatibility when something needs to be 
changed, so you might want to hold the PyPI release, or at least put a 
big fat warning in some visible place.

> My general plan is:
> - Move ipapython.dn -> ipaldap.dn (keeping ipapython.dn importable for
> old scripts/plugins)

DNs are not strictly LDAP specific, so I would rather move ipapython.dn 
to a new ipautil package.

> - Move CIDict to ipaldap.cidict. For Python 3, I'd really like to
> replace this with something based on collections.MutableMapping, since
> the semantics of subclassing "dict" aren't very well defined.

I have WIP which does just that.

> - Create a new module for ipaldap-specific exceptions. IPA will use a
> hook to swap out this module for its own set of exceptions. (Yes, this
> is a hack, but I'd like to keep ipaldap clean of IPA dependencies. A
> proper solution will be quite involved, given translatable error
> messages and XML-RPC numbers.)

I have given this some thought since our last conversation about this 
and I think there won't always be 1-to-1 mapping between ipaldap and 
ipalib errors, so IMO we should go with the usual monkey patching 
approach in ipapython.ipaldap:

     import ipaldap
     import ipaldap.errors
     from ipalib import errors

     ipaldap.errors.SomeError = errors.SomeError
     ipaldap.errors.SomeSimilarError = errors.SomeError
     ipaldap.errors.SomeOtherError = errors.SomeOtherError


     except ipaldap.errors.BaseError as e:
         # catch ipaldap errors that weren't monkey-patched
         raise errors.DatabaseError(str(e))

> - Split ipapython.ipaldap into ipaldap.entry, ipaldap.client,
> ipaldap.schema_cache; but keep some IPA-specific logic in
> ipapython.ipaldap (and again keeping all the old names importable).

I don't think schema cache deserves it's own module.

> I'll port everything to Python 3 as I move it, but I won't add a py3 run
> to IPA's test suite, at least until the dependencies are ported. Any
> breakage on py3 will be mine to fix, for the time being.
> Speaking of dependencies, one of my goals for this effort is to
> determine whether replacing python-ldap  by another library, ldap3,
> would be worth it.

+1 on looking into ldap3

> Let me know if you disagree with this direction.


Jan Cholasta

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