[Freeipa-devel] Adding client-side functionality in Vault

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Mon Aug 24 23:37:01 UTC 2015


Recently I posted the following patches which are still pending review:
* 371-2: Added support for changing vault encryption.
* 375-1: Added mechanism to copy vault secrets.

Here are the tickets:
* https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5176
* https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5223

These patches add new functionality to the following commands:
* vault-mod: changing vault encryption
* vault-archive: copying a secret from a vault into an existing vault
* vault-add: copying a secret from a vault into a new vault

The changes are quite similar. In order to change the vault encryption 
or to copy the vault secret, the old secret has to be retrieved with the 
old encryption parameters, then the secret will be rearchived with the 
new encryption parameters.

The thing is these operations have to be done on the client side since 
the encryption/decryption is done using a key only known to the client. 
This also means that even if the server is upgraded, someone using an 
old client will not be able to utilize the new functionality unless the 
client is upgraded too. Also, the old vault-mod actually has a bug 
because it will update the vault encryption attributes without 
rearchiving the secret.

Should we require old clients to upgrade? Or should we continue to 
accept old clients, but the buggy operation will now be rejected? Is 
this considered breaking backward compatibility?


Endi S. Dewata

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