[Freeipa-devel] Fwd: [PUBLIC] Re: [IPAQE][REVIEW-REQUEST][TEST PLAN] Replica promotion

Nikhil Dehadrai ndehadra at redhat.com
Wed Dec 16 14:17:10 UTC 2015

  Hi There,

Based on the URL for REPLICA PROMOTION Test plan 
(http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Replica_Promotion/Test_plan), I have 
following observations / queries.

1. For "ipa-kra-install" and "ipa-ca-install" , expected result for step 
1 should be FAILED, But it is marked as SUCCEED. (What is the correct 
behavior here).

1. As per current design  (IPA 4.2) we can prepare replica server file 
on an existing replica  server using "ipa-replica-prepare" and use this 
file to setup new replica host, how can we achieve this behavior under 
this new feature when MASTER domain level is set to 1.?
2. How will the "ipa topologysegment-add" work for a 3 repilca scenario? 
Since, under domain level 1 it uses "rightnode" and "leftnode" to form a 
new segment. Can I add 3rd replica to this already created "Newsegment" 
or we need to have it created separately? How will it work?

We can add New Test Scenarios as well:
1. Add scenario for domain level details at UI. Since it talks of 
reflecting the domain level changes at UI.
2. Add scenario to validate once domain level of master is raised to 1, 
after that it cannot be lowered.
3. Add scenario for "ipa-restore" using master and replica topology , so 
as to identify the effect of restoration on replica by using "ipa 
topologysegment-find realm" command.( What will be the expected behavior 
in this case)

Let me know.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Nikhil Dehadrai

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