[Freeipa-devel] Time-based account policies

Stanislav Láznička slaz at seznam.cz
Mon Mar 9 07:00:53 UTC 2015


My name is Stanislav Laznicka and I am a student at Brno University of 
Technology. As a part of my Master's thesis, I am supposed to design and 
implement time-based account policies extensions for FreeIPA and SSSD.

While going through the code, I noticed time-based access control was 
implemented in the past, but it was pulled. I would very much be 
interested to know why that was and what were the problems with that 
implementation (so that I don't repeat those again).

The solution to the time-based account policies as I see it can be 
divided into two possible directions - having the time of the policies 
stored as a UTC time (which is what both Active Directory and 389 
Directory Server do), or it can be just a time record that would be 
compared to the local time of each client.

Each of the approaches above has its pros and cons. Basically, local 
time approach is much more flexible when it comes to multiple time 
zones, however it does not allow the absolute control of access as the 
UTC time based approach would (or at least, it does not allow it without 
some further additions). I would therefore also be interested to hear 
from you about which of these approaches corresponds more to the common 
use-case of the FreeIPA system.

Standa L.

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