[Freeipa-devel] UI plugins

Corey Kovacs corey.kovacs at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 13:56:19 UTC 2015


Using the information you provided I was able to get things working in a
general sense.  I suspect the answer to my next question is going to be
"use the source luke..." which is cool but I was hoping documentation might
be available which describes adding sections to facets and controlling the
order of additional fields. I have added about a dozen and they don't sort
the way I'd like them to.

Thanks again for your help last week.

On Mar 6, 2015 7:26 AM, "Corey Kovacs" <corey.kovacs at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds great. Just wanted to know if I was going to be reinventing my own
> wheel again.
> Thanks again.
> Corey
> On Mar 6, 2015 6:58 AM, "Petr Vobornik" <pvoborni at redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 03/06/2015 02:31 PM, Corey Kovacs wrote:
>>> I almost forgot to ask. Since you don't point it out, I am assuming
>>> (yeah I
>>> know) the plugin code methods have not changed from 3.3 to 4.1? That is
>>> to
>>> day I should be able to use the same techniques?
>> Same techniques should be applicable, there were no major improvements in
>> plugin support in 4.1. But Web UI doesn't have any stable API so little
>> things could be different.
>> Basically plugins interact with Web UI's core code which is not
>> perfect(easy to break things) but it's powerful and better than nothing.
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Corey
>>> On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 3:51 AM, Petr Vobornik <pvoborni at redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>  On 03/06/2015 03:54 AM, Corey Kovacs wrote:
>>>>  After reading the extending freeipa training document I was able
>>>>> successfully add  us to meet attributes and add/modify them using the
>>>>> cli
>>>>> which was pretty cool. Now that I got the cli out of the way I want to
>>>>> add
>>>>> the fields to the ui. Because of the similarities between what I want
>>>>> to
>>>>> do
>>>>> and the example given in the docs I just followed along and changed
>>>>> variables where it made sense to do so. I cannot however get the new
>>>>> field
>>>>> to show up.  The Apache logs don't show any errors but they do show the
>>>>> plugin being read as the page (user details) is loaded. After searching
>>>>> around I found a document which attempts to explain the process but it
>>>>> assumes some knowledge held by the reader which I don't possess.
>>>>> It looks like I  supposed to create some sort of index loader which
>>>>> loads
>>>>> all of the modules which are part of the plugin. I can't seem to find
>>>>> any
>>>>> good documents telling the whole process or least non that I can make
>>>>> sense
>>>>> of.
>>>>>  Plugin could be just one file, if the plugin name is "myplugin" it
>>>> has to
>>>> be:
>>>>   /usr/share/ipa/ui/js/plugins/myplugin/myplugin.js
>>>> IPA Web UI uses AMD module format:
>>>> - https://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/modules/
>>>> - http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html#amd
>>>> I have some example plugins here:
>>>> - https://pvoborni.fedorapeople.org/plugins/
>>>> For your case I would look at:
>>>> - https://pvoborni.fedorapeople.org/plugins/employeenumber/
>>>> employeenumber.js
>>>> Web UI basics and introspection:
>>>> (this section is little redundant to your question, but it might help
>>>> others)
>>>> FreeIPA Web UI is semi declarative. That means that part of the pages
>>>> could be thrown away, modified or extended by plugins before the page is
>>>> constructed. To do that, one has to modify specification object of
>>>> particular module.
>>>> Here, I would assume that you don't have UI sources(before
>>>> minification),
>>>> so all introspection will be done in running web ui. Otherwise it's
>>>> easier
>>>> to inspect sources in install/ui/src/freeipa, i.e. checkout ipa-3-3
>>>> branch
>>>> from upstream git.
>>>> List of modules could be find(after authentication) in browse developer
>>>> tools console in object:
>>>>    window.require.cache
>>>> or (depends on IPA version)
>>>>    window.dojo.config.cache
>>>> One can then obtain the module by:
>>>>    var user_module = require('freeipa/user')
>>>> specification object is usually in 'entity_spec' or '$enity_name_spec'
>>>> property.
>>>>    user_module.entity_spec
>>>> UI is internally organized into entities. Entity corresponds to ipalib
>>>> object. Entity, e.g. user, usually have multiple pages called facets. To
>>>> get a list of facets:
>>>>    user_module.entity_spec.facets
>>>> The one with fields has usually a name "details". For users it's the
>>>> second facet:
>>>>    var details_facet = user_module.entity_spec.facets[1]
>>>> IF i simplify it a bit, we can say that fields on a page are organized
>>>> in
>>>> sections:
>>>>    details_facet.sections
>>>> Section has fields. A field usually represents an editable element on
>>>> page, e.g. a textbox with label, validators and other stuff.
>>>> Example of inspection:
>>>> https://pvoborni.fedorapeople.org/images/inspect_ui.png
>>>> Your goal is to pick a section, or create a new one an add a field
>>>> there.
>>>> To know what to define, just examine a definition of already existing
>>>> field
>>>> and just amend name, label, ...
>>>>   It would help also to understand how to debug such a thing.
>>>>>  In browser developer tools. There is javascript console (use in the
>>>> text
>>>> above), javascript debugger, network tab for inspecting loaded files.
>>>> For developing RHEL 7 plugin, I would suggest you to install test
>>>> instance
>>>> of FreeIPA 3.3 and use "Debugging with source codes" method described
>>>> in:
>>>> - https://pvoborni.fedorapeople.org/doc/#!/guide/Debugging
>>>> Some tips:
>>>> - if you get a weird dojo loader messegate, you probably have a syntax
>>>> error in the plugin or you don't return a plugin object or the plugin
>>>> could
>>>> not be loaded (bad name)
>>>> - it's good to use some JavaScript liner - jsl or jshint to catch syntax
>>>> errors early.
>>>>   I  running version 3.3 on rhel 7. Any help or pointers to more
>>>>> documentation would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>  --
>>>> Petr Vobornik
>> --
>> Petr Vobornik
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