[Freeipa-devel] Time-based account policies

Stanislav Láznička slaz at seznam.cz
Wed Mar 25 17:25:20 UTC 2015

On 03/25/2015 12:34 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> When using hbactest command you just need to supply implied time zone
> as an option to the command itself. After all, you are simulating rule
> execution so it does not matter where the value comes from.
Oh, good, I haven't thought of that. That certainly eases things up.

Let me make a summary then, a short one this time, of what's been 
discussed .

It seems the best way to store time policies is indeed the format (time, 
anchor) where anchor is either Olson database timezone or "Local Time" 
for host local time. We are omitting users' local time because, after 
all, we are talking HBAC Rules here (great point by Simo). If the admins 
really needed that, there's a workaround Jan mentioned that should work 
just fine.

That leaves us with 2 kinds of policies - UTC and Local Time (which is 
enforced by hosts' /etc/localtime). Now with the (time, anchor) format 
for time policies, the LDAP schema wouldn't have to change and we could 
just use the AccessTime attribute of the HBAC Rule object that's already 
there. That seems like a good solution to me.

I hope we can agree on the above although any notes are, of course, 
welcome. Now we would need to choose the right format for the time part 
of (time, anchor) I guess. There's been a discussion some 2 weeks ago 
about the need for event recurrence support in the format, the need for 
exceptions support and the need for iCalendar import possibility. So 
far, there are three possible languages to choose from - use the actual 
iCalendar or just a part of it, use a reworked version of the old 
language used in FreeIPA and SSSD, or use the language I proposed 
earlier in this thread.

I would be very keen on hearing your ideas and opinions on this one.


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