[Freeipa-devel] CI failures - I need your help

Fraser Tweedale ftweedal at redhat.com
Tue Dec 13 11:20:05 UTC 2016

Hi all,

The CI failures caused by one of my recent commits have me baffled.
It is exactly this commit[1] at which the problems begin.  I cannot
see anything in the commit to point a finger at.  In-tree tests run

[1] https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/commit/32b1743e5fb318b226a602ec8d9a4b6ef2a25c9d

In terms of symptoms: a Travis run has two jobs, one dealing with
`test_xmlrpc/test_[a-k]*.py' and the other dealing with
`test_xmlrpc/test_[l-z]*.py' as well as `test_install/',
`test_ipalib/', `test_ipapython/', `test_ipaserver/' and
`test_pkcs10'.  See [2] for an example of a failing build: the first
job (which includes tests for the ca plugin, which is what the patch
relates to) does succeed, but the second fails catastrophically with
myriad occurences of:

    E           NetworkError: cannot connect to
    (SSL_ERROR_NO_CIPHERS_SUPPORTED) No cipher suites are present
    and enabled in this program.

Leading to the unfortunate outcome:

    ======= 254 failed, 576 passed, 98 skipped, 1756 error in 254.59 seconds =======

[2] https://travis-ci.org/freeipa/freeipa/builds/183544973

I have been unsuccessful in running `ipa-docker-test-runner' on my
own machine due to Java thread creation problems, so I need the help
of others to analyse and fix this issue.  If someone was able to
analyse a running container that had the test failures, send logs,
or even make an image of the container and upload it somewhere for
me, it might lead to some answers.

Thanks for your help.

(P.S. I hope it is not a trivial thing I have overlook ^_^)

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