[Freeipa-devel] IPA client realm/domain autodiscovery improvements

David Kupka dkupka at redhat.com
Wed Feb 24 15:08:14 UTC 2016

On 24/02/16 15:55, Sumit Bose wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 03:30:40PM +0100, Martin Babinsky wrote:
>> On 02/24/2016 03:20 PM, Sumit Bose wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 01:31:55PM +0100, Petr Vobornik wrote:
>>>> On 02/16/2016 02:23 PM, Martin Babinsky wrote:
>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>> WARNING: huge brain dump ahead.
>>>>> During investigation of https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4305 me
>>>>> and Petr Spaced (CC'ed) came to a conclusion that the IPA realm
>>>>> autodiscovery code used by ipa-client-install is so convoluted, complex
>>>>> and hard to understand that the cost of fixing a bug/adding a behavioral
>>>>> change (there are some other tickets dealing with ipadiscovery, e.g. see
>>>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5270
>>>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3912 ) can potentially be higher
>>>>> that a more large-scale rewrite of the module and related codebase.
>>>>> Since we plan to do some general refactoring work anyway, I would like
>>>>> to discuss the possible course of action we may take to tackle this
>>>>> issue. I would like to present the following options we have been
>>>>> discussing so far:
>>>>> 1.) Do a substantial rewrite of existing code ("ipaclient/ipadiscovery.py")
>>>>> We may take the existing IPADiscovery class and try rewrite it in order
>>>>> to get a more concise and deterministic code, which will:
>>>>> * rely more on python-dns and answers provided by resolver (e.g. we are
>>>>> directly parsing resolv.conf for available domains when we can ask the
>>>>> resolver to get domains for us)
>>>>> * be more pythonic (replace error codes with thrown exceptions, clean up
>>>>> numerous C-isms etc.)
>>>>> * not try to outsmart user when server/realm/domain is specified
>>>>> beforehand. Currently, even if you specify all three options, there is
>>>>> still some DNS discovery performed, hence bug #4305. I think that one
>>>>> you specify server(s), not magic should be performed and the discovery
>>>>> process should be reduced to checking whether they are IPA servers and
>>>>> pull all other info (like realm) from them.
>>>>> This may be a considerable effort requiring some time to implement and
>>>>> get right, but IMHO still comparable to the time spent iteratively
>>>>> placing 'if' statements into the existing code and hoping to not break
>>>>> anything. I would even argue it is not worth the effort because we can
>>>>> 2.) Use realmd dbus interface to do DNS discovery
>>>>> I have attached aquick and dirty script I have slapped together to
>>>>> leverage 'org.freedesktop.realmd.Discover' interface to do IPA realm
>>>>> discovery for us. This has a lot of appeal to me since we are leveraging
>>>>> existing codebase for DNS discovery and will have to handle only cases
>>>>> when the user manually specifies a list of IPA servers for the client.
>>>>> This however pulls in realmd as a (potentially circular) dependency for
>>>>> ipa client, and when we find bug in the discovery code, we will have to
>>>>> poke upstream (Stef or Sumit I think) to fix it.
>>>>> So from the long-term point of view, Jan Cholasta's (CC'ed) suggestion to:
>>>>> 3.) Split out IPA discovery portion of realmd to a separate C library
>>>>> shared between IPA and realmd
>>>>> may be best. Both projects will have shared codebase (maintained either
>>>>> by us or realmd devs), which can be reused also by other people to
>>>>> create their own discovery/enrollment solution. This would however
>>>>> require sustained and concerted efforts of both teams to create the
>>>>> library and possibly rewrite realmd to accommodate this change.
>>>>> There may be some other options viable for us, if so please mention them
>>>>> in a reply. Also please correct any piece of information I got wrong.
>>>>> TL;DR: IPA realm/domain discovery is a mess, please suggest a way to fix
>>>>> it.
>>>> #3 sounds good from long term perspective.
>>>> In short term, i.e., #4305, we should skip discovery when --on-master is
>>>> used.
>>> I would prefer #2. Because as seen from the patch it is already working
>>> and can easily be used from python. I think this was also one of the
>>> reasons why Stef used a DBus service for this instead of a C library
>>> which then needs various bindings for python, Java, ruby, Go you name
>>> it.
>> This approach is also my favorite. However, my (and several of my
>> colleagues) concern is that
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1271551 will break it in
>> kickstart environment. I don't know how much of an issue is this, I guess it
>> completely precludes automatic enrollment during machine provisioning.
> realmd has the --dbus-peer option. So I guess it might be possible that
> realmd can be started by ipa-client-install directly in this case and
> allow communication over a socket pair. I'm not sure how hard or easy
> this would be in python.
> Stef, do you have some pointers how to use dbus-peer from python?
> bye,
> Sumit

We have already done something similar with certmonger. You can look 
into ipapython/certmonger.py

>>> About the concerns. rpm-wise realmd has no dependencies on its
>>> underlying tools, it will tell which packages must be installed to do
>>> the join or will use packagekit to install them on its own. So it is
>>> safe to add a realmd dependency to the ipa-client package. And as long
>>> as you only use the Discover method realmd would not try to call
>>> ipa-client-install, so there is no logical circle either. To avoid an
>>> un-needed second discovery when ipa-client-install is not run from the
>>> command line but from realmd directly ipa-client-install can skip the
>>> realmd call if domain and realm are already given on the command line
>>> because realmd will set both options when calling ipa-client-install.
>>> And if there is a bug you have to poke the maintainer of the library or
>>> realmd either way.
>>> bye,
>>> Sumit
>>>> --
>>>> Petr Vobornik
>>>> --
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>> --
>> Martin^3 Babinsky

David Kupka

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