[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] ca-less tests updated

David Kupka dkupka at redhat.com
Mon Sep 12 07:51:01 UTC 2016

Hi Oleg,
thank you, now it's completely different game.
Please add prefix to commit message summaries. Simply prepending "tests: 
" should be OK.

0041 - -h is deprecated in favor of -H.
0062 - 0068 - LGTM
0069 - I see 2 unrelated changes in the patch, please split them:
- 1 - certutil - > paths.CERTUTIL
- 2 - assert
0070 - I see 2 unrelated changes in the patch, please split them:
- 1 - teardown
- 2 - TestReplicaInstall.setUp -> TestReplicaInstall.install
0071 - typos in commit message, I see 5 unrelated changes in that patch:
  - 1 - error messages in assert
  - 2 - certificates used
  - 3 - verify_installation called only in DOMAIN_LEVEL_0.
  - 4 - TestCertinstall.install
  - 5 - TestCertinstall.certinstall
0072 - 0077 - LGTM

On 09/09/16 15:22, Oleg Fayans wrote:
> Hi David, team
> According to your suggestions I've splitted my commits so that each
> commit addresses some particular problem. One patch (0071) still
> contains several unrelated fixes, but they mostly reflect changes in
> error messages and really small but numerous bugfixes that I did not
> consider worthy of a separate commit each. Please, whenever you have a
> free time take a look at this new bunch of patches.
> Thanks!
> On 09/06/2016 04:41 PM, David Kupka wrote:
>> Hi Oleg!
>> 0013 - It looks like there are two unrelated changes, addition of CRL
>> distribution extension and creating certificate signed by no longer
>> existing CA. Please create separate patch for each of the changes, and
>> describe the change and reason for it in commit messages.
>> 0014 - Could you please split the patch to "numerous" commit each fixing
>> one error? Please also describe each fix so everyone has at least vague
>> idea about the patch without reading its code. Also why do you introduce
>> global variable config, I don't see its used anywhere.
>> 0039 - It looks like multiple different changes and commit message says
>> nothing again. Please split and describe what did you change and why.
>> 0041 - Looks like weird workaround to me. It would be better to
>> investigate the root cause and fix it. Or at least describe the cause in
>> commit message and code comment if it can't be fixed. Also "-h is
>> deprecated in favor of -H" says man 1 ldapmodify.
>> On 05/09/16 14:32, Oleg Fayans wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Finally the ca-less tests are stable. Here in the attachment is the full
>>> set of necessary patches.
>>> On 08/09/2016 10:57 AM, Oleg Fayans wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Bump for the review of the 0013 patch. The script it addresses can be
>>>> reused in some WebUI tests - one more reason to have it reviewed/merged
>>>> The rest patches should be re-tested, since they were prepared a good
>>>> while ago
>>>> On 05/10/2016 05:08 PM, Oleg Fayans wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> After quite a while and some more struggles here comes the updated
>>>>> version of the patch together with other patches fixing things in
>>>>> ipatests/test_integration/tasks.py
>>>>> Server and replica installation was refactored in a way to utilize the
>>>>> code from tasks.py as much as it is possible
>>>>> The full set of necessary patches is attached
>>>>> On 04/20/2016 10:35 AM, David Kupka wrote:
>>>>>> On 19/04/16 11:13, Oleg Fayans wrote:
>>>>>>> OK, that one, though passing lint, did not actually work. I gave
>>>>>>> up my
>>>>>>> attempts to define method decorators inside the class. Now it passes
>>>>>>> lint AND works:)
>>>>>> Hi Oleg!
>>>>>> 1) Current commit message is useless. Please use it to describe
>>>>>> what is
>>>>>> the point of the patch.
>>>>>> 2) $ git show -U0 | pep8 --diff
>>>>>> ./ipatests/test_integration/test_caless.py:66:1: E302 expected 2
>>>>>> blank
>>>>>> lines, found 1
>>>>>> ./ipatests/test_integration/test_caless.py:74:1: E302 expected 2
>>>>>> blank
>>>>>> lines, found 1
>>>>>> ./ipatests/test_integration/test_caless.py:820:5: E303 too many blank
>>>>>> lines (2)
>>>>>> ./ipatests/test_integration/test_caless.py:825:80: E501 line too long
>>>>>> (80 > 79 characters)
>>>>>> ./ipatests/test_integration/test_caless.py:1035:44: E225 missing
>>>>>> whitespace around operator
>>>>>> 3) Isn't there a way to do this with pytest's fixtures?
>>>>>>> +def server_install_teardown(func):
>>>>>>> +    def wrapped(*args):
>>>>>>> +        try:
>>>>>>> +            func(*args)
>>>>>>> +        finally:
>>>>>>> +            args[0].uninstall_server()
>>>>>>> +    return wrapped
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> +def replica_install_teardown(func):
>>>>>>> +    def wrapped(*args):
>>>>>>> +        try:
>>>>>>> +            func(*args)
>>>>>>> +        finally:
>>>>>>> +            # Uninstall replica
>>>>>>> +            replica = args[0].replicas[0]
>>>>>>> +            tasks.kinit_admin(args[0].master)
>>>>>>> +            args[0].uninstall_server(replica)
>>>>>>> +            args[0].master.run_command(['ipa-replica-manage',
>>>>>>> 'del',
>>>>>>> +                                        replica.hostname,
>>>>>>> '--force'],
>>>>>>> +                                       raiseonerr=False)
>>>>>>> +            args[0].master.run_command(['ipa', 'host-del',
>>>>>>> +                                        replica.hostname],
>>>>>>> +                                       raiseonerr=False)
>>>>>>> +    return wrapped
>>>>>>> +
>>>>> There is a standard pytest method called 'method_teardown', that is
>>>>> indent to be executed after each test method, but with our setup it
>>>>> does
>>>>> not work.
>>>>>> 4) Is it necessary to create the $TEST_DIR in the test? Isn't it
>>>>>> created
>>>>>> by the framework?
>>>>>>> +            host.transport.mkdir_recursive(host.config.test_dir)
>>>>> Removed.
>>>>>> 5) I don't think the comment match the code.
>>>>>>> +        # Remove CA cert in /etc/pki/nssdb, in case of failed
>>>>>>> (un)install
>>>>>>> +        for host in cls.get_all_hosts():
>>>>>>> +            cls.uninstall_server(host)
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>            super(CALessBase, cls).uninstall(mh)
>>>>> Not actual anymore
>>>>>> 6) No! Create list with one element, iterate that list and append
>>>>>> every
>>>>>> item to the other list. Maybe there's better way (Hint: append).
>>>>>> I've seen this on multiple places.
>>>>>>>            if unattended:
>>>>>>>                args.extend(['-U'])
>>>>> Agreed
>>>>>> 7) Why don't you (extend and) use
>>>>>> ipatests.test_integaration.tasks.(un)install_{master,replica}?
>>>>>> This could be done pretty much all over the code.
>>>>>>>            host.run_command(['ipa-server-install', '--uninstall',
>>>>>>> '-U'])
>>>>>> 8) Use ipaplatform.paths for certutil and other binaries. If the
>>>>>> binary
>>>>>> is not there feel free to add it.
>>>>>> I've seen this on multiple places.
>>>>>>> +        host.run_command(['certutil', '-d', paths.NSS_DB_DIR, '-D',
>>>>>>> +                          '-n', 'External CA cert'],
>>>>>>> +                         raiseonerr=False)
>>>>>>> +        # A workaround
>>>>>>> forhttps://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4639
>>>>>>> +        result = host.run_command(['certutil', '-L', '-d',
>>>>>>> +                                   paths.HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR])
>>>>>>> +        for rawcert in result.stdout_text.split('\n')[4: -1]:
>>>>>>> +            cert = rawcert.split('    ')[0]
>>>>>>> +            host.run_command(['certutil', '-D', '-d',
>>>>>>> paths.HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR,
>>>>>>> +                              '-n', cert])
>>>>> Done
>>>>>> 9) certmonger is system service. You can check if is is .enabled()
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> .running(). And IIUC the comment is negation of what the code does.
>>>>>>>                # Verify certmonger was not started
>>>>>>>                result = host.run_command(['getcert', 'list'],
>>>>>>> raiseonerr=False)
>>>>>>> -            assert result > 0
>>>>>>> -            assert ('Please verify that the certmonger service has
>>>>>>> been '
>>>>>>> -                    'started.' in result.stdout_text),
>>>>>>> result.stdout_text
>>>>>>> +            assert result.returncode == 0
>>>>>> 10) What is the point of calling uninstall_server() when it will be
>>>>>> called in the finally block of server_install_teardown anyway?
>>>>>>> +    @server_install_teardown
>>>>>>>        def test_revoked_http(self):
>>>>>>>            "IPA server install with revoked HTTP certificate"
>>>>>>>            if result.returncode == 0:
>>>>>>> +            self.uninstall_server()
>>>>>>>                raise nose.SkipTest(
>>>>>>>                    "Known CA-less installation defect, see "
>>>>>>>                    +"https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4270")
>>>>>>>            assert result.returncode > 0
>>>>> Removed
>>>>>> Nitpick) Do not mix fixing typos/grammar/spelling/style with
>>>>>> functional
>>>>>> changes.
>>>>>>> -    def test_incorect_http_pin(self):
>>>>>>> +    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='freeipa ticket 5378')
>>>>>>> +    def test_incorrect_http_pin(self):
>>>>>>>           "Install new HTTP certificate with incorrect PKCS#12
>>>>>>> password"
>>>>> Removed

David Kupka

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