[Freeipa-devel] [freeipa PR#359][comment] dogtag: search past the first 100 certificates

tomaskrizek freeipa-github-notification at redhat.com
Mon Jan 23 14:39:16 UTC 2017

  URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/359
Title: #359: dogtag: search past the first 100 certificates

tomaskrizek commented:
The behavior of the command seems to be correct now, but I'm also not sure about the WebUI. There seems to be a limit of 20 items when displayed in WebUI (with pagination). I'm not sure if it's possible to configure that.

@pvomacka Were there any recent changes in the WebUI pagination? Is it possible to configure how many items should be displayed?

See the full comment at https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/359#issuecomment-274504322

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