[K12OSN] OT - Linux router - I'm stuck <-long

Les Mikesell les at futuresource.com
Wed Apr 7 21:54:54 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 12:30, Tim Litwiller wrote:

> PE router can ping each router but not internet gateway
> RHS router can ping each router and internet gateway
> RMS router can ping each router but not internet gateway

The packets are probably reaching the gateway but the gateway
doesn't have a route back to return the echo.  Either configure
RHS to NAT on eth0 so everything appears to come from or add routes on the gateway forwarding your
private 172.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x subnets through

> DO router can ping RMS router but not the rest of the network.

A ping issued directly from DO will have a source address
of  Only RMS knows how to return a packet back
to this address.  Add routes on the others to send
back through their RMS connection.

Your route tables could be a bit smaller if you remove
subnet routes that go to the same destination as the
default route but leaving them won't hurt anything.

  Les Mikesell
   les at futuresource.com

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