[K12OSN] Large scale implementation in the pipe, input needed.

norbert bear2bar at netscape.net
Fri Aug 20 02:04:44 UTC 2004

Hi Jff,

Well put .....


jkinz at kinz.org wrote:

>On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 12:23:45AM +0200, Daniel Hedblom wrote:
>>Hello Norbert!
>>So, a server handling about 150 clients would be how big? Ofcourse those
>>wouldnt all be running at the same time at full load. The reason i ask is
>>that i would want to be able to do an estimate on just how big of a server
>>it would have to be. I want to have solid ground  under my feet and not
>>just my own experience.
>Hi Dan. 
>How much do you have the students environment locked down?
>I have a one installation where we have the the Thin clients(TC)
>absolutely locked down so they can only run OpenOffice and a browser.
>For each TC we try to add about 100MB to the server. 
>We want to make sure that swap is not used by the TC's since having to
>swap memory over an NFS link is really slow and eats network bandwidth.
>So 150 TC = 100MB * 150 = 15000 MB or 15 GB.  Caveat - the more TC's
>you add to the server, the smaller memory increment they require.
>This is due to the net gain of shared libraries already resident when
>many TC's are running the same apps.  So, ultimately this very 
>straightforward, linear estimation may cause you to get more memory than
>you need.  Of course if you know in advance how many TC's will be
>running what apps at the same time you can get a much better estimate of
>your memory requirements.  
>Now go look up how much more memory costs per GB when you have to buy
>multi GB sticks.  (Pricewatch says 1GB stick is $150 to $247, but they
>are always low)  2 - 1Gb sticks from HP for the "Proliant" system is
>$1149  But .. its warranted for life.. (Funny, so is the stuff from
>Crucial.com thats faster and a tenth of the cost... how strange... )
>A 4 Gb stick is $1700.00 -- I see a trend... 
>If your TC's are not locked down and the students have access to the
>entire set of menus on the desktop then you may need more than 100 MB
>per TC. (you can process limit them so they can't open umpteen apps
>at the same time)
>As for CPU requirements, A 2 GHz , low end CPU can run 10 TC's which 
>aren't too busy.  For your system with 1 server, you want a machine
>with as many SMP CPU on it as you can find. at least four and eight is
>better, and you want high end CPU's.  XEON's or whatever the current hot
>chip is.  Again, you'll pay a premium over the commodity level
>components.  3 to six times as much. (Low end CPU is $60) High end is ?
>In addition to being much more expensive, the centralized server
>architecture is riskier and more problematic than having a server at
>each location.
>Its weaknesses are:
>    Single point of failure.  If the server goes down, service
>    does not degrade "gracefully", it disintegrates. 
>    With multiple servers at least many thin clients(TC)
>    would still be able to function,
>    Increased dependence on unneeded network links.  With the 
>    server in a remote location from the TC's it is serving rather
>    than at the same location as the TC's it is serving, the risk of 
>    a service failure is increased because it is now additionally
>    dependent not only on the server running but also on the network 
>    links being intact (think backhoes, manhole fires,
>    automobile/telephone pole accidents etc..) and dependent on the 
>    network equipment, (Router, switches etc)  running as well. A
>    final vulnerability is the vendor/supplier who is running those
>    comm lines for you.  If they have any issues (strikes, software
>    glitches, security compromised), your connections between
>    buildings are affected and you lose service.
>    Another network issue is the plugged pipe problem.  This much
>    X-Windowing will generate a huge amount of traffic.  OK maybe 
>    1 GB net with smart switches can handle it.  But what happens
>    when you add streaming video being accessed by 40 or 50 TC
>    simultaneously?  Many legitimate curricula present their 
>    content this way, but as these types of content multiply and
>    become more diverse, can your network handle the additional
>    traffic?  Better to use a design that inherently reduces the 
>    network load from the get go.
>    Increased dependence on software integrity.  In the centralized
>    scenario, if any single process consumes more than its share
>    of machine resources everyone sharing the single server is hit.
>    (Setting disk quotas, memory and process limits will help
>    prevent this)
>    Security issues - One successful attack means all your resources
>    get owned and leaves you with no untainted system to use as a
>    base to work from.
>    Expense?  The initial outlay for the single high end machine
>    that would be required to configure a server of the size needed 
>    would have a premium of added cost high above the cost
>    of the same power/capability obtained by purchasing multiple
>    smaller off-shelf machines.
>    Scaling issues?  multiple versus 1 central server(s), each has
>    their own set of issues.
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