[K12OSN] deleting a 1000 users

Glenn Arnold garnold at unrealsolutions.com
Wed Jun 9 15:47:45 UTC 2004

I set up a 1000 users with webmin with the batch process.  Now I am
trying to delete the accounts and for some reason webmin would only
delete 100 of the accounts the reset it would say that user does not
exist.  I have seen posted on this group on how to automate user
deletion using userdel, but when I try it I get the following usage
error "usage: userdel [-r] name".  Below is what I get when I try this.
The users I want to delete is in delstu6.txt file.   What am I doing
wrong with this script?


 [root at server garnold]# for x in 'cat delstu6.txt'
> do userdel -r $x
> done
usage: userdel [-r] name

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