# # Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org) # [Default] SERVER = XSERVER = Xpmac.rev10 # Trying to conserve precious ram... #RAMDISK_SIZE = 1024 RAMDISK_SIZE = 512 # Not using local swap. Will maybe try and make this work once it boots at all. LOCAL_SWAP = N LOCAL_SWAP_PART = "/dev/sda4" SWAPFILE_SIZE = 100000 USE_XFS = Y USE_LOCAL_XFS = Y LOCAL_APPS = N RUNLEVEL = 3 VIDEO_MODE = 12 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example of specifying X settings for a workstation # # This is the IP that the G3 is using [ws001] #XSERVER = mga XF86CONFIG_FILE = XF86Config.mac LOCAL_SWAP = N USE_LOCAL_XFS = N [ws002] XF86CONFIG_FILE = XF86Config.mac # From Howto: Installing Xpmac.3 http://www.imaclinux.net/gh.php?single=38 # VIDEO_MODE 12 is 800x600x8bpp @75Hz # VIDEO_MODE 13 is 832x624x8bpp @75Hz VIDEO_MODE = 13 [ws003] XF86CONFIG_FILE = XF86Config.mac VIDEO_MODE = 13 # RUNLEVEL = 3 [froggy.test.home] XSERVER = XF86_SVGA LOCAL_APPS = N USE_NFS_SWAP = N SWAPFILE_SIZE = 64m LOCAL_RUNLEVEL = 3 # # ws004 is my virtual workstation running in a VMware session # [ws004] DNS_SERVER = XSERVER = auto X4_BUSID = "PCI:0:15:0" X_MODE_0 = 800x600 LOCAL_APPS = N USE_NFS_SWAP = N SWAPFILE_SIZE = 64m RUNLEVEL = 5 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example of a workstation configured to load some modules # #[ws001] # MODULE_01 = agpgart.o # This is for i810 video # MODULE_02 = uart401.o # MODULE_03 = sb.o io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 # MODULE_04 = opl3.o #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example of ws001 configured for local apps # #[ws001] # LOCAL_APPS = Y # LOCAL_WM = Y # NIS_DOMAIN = ltsp # NIS_SERVER = #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example of a serial printer attached to /dev/ttyS1 on workstation ws001 # #[ws001] # PRINTER_0_DEVICE = /dev/ttyS1 # PRINTER_0_TYPE = S # P-Parallel, S-Serial # PRINTER_0_PORT = 9100 # tcp/ip port: defaults to 9100 # PRINTER_0_SPEED = 9600 # baud rate: defaults to 9600 # PRINTER_0_FLOWCTRL = S # Flow control: S-Software (XON/XOFF), # # H-Hardware (CTS/RTS) # PRINTER_0_PARITY = N # Parity: N-None, E-Even, O-Odd # # (defaults to 'N') # PRINTER_0_DATABITS = 8 # Databits: 5,6,7,8 (defaults to 8)