%post -nochroot not running commands?

Philip Rowlands phr at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Nov 17 16:21:34 UTC 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Chris Mckenzie wrote:

>The ks install works fine, it's just the below %post that doesn't
>effect anything. Note that I literally commented out everything to if
>it's working at all. /etc/test isn't created, nor is the /mnt/entrust
>dir or the copy itself.

--nochroot does what it suggests; prevents chroot'ing into
/mnt/sysimage.  Try prepending /mnt/sysimage where appropriate, or if
that becomes too annoying, copy everything you need inside
/mnt/sysimage/tmp and then run a separate %post (chroot'ed this time).


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