[kpatch] Preparing a patch - pitfalls

Evgenii Shatokhin eshatokhin at odin.com
Wed Sep 30 19:13:16 UTC 2015

30.09.2015 03:57, Josh Poimboeuf пишет:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:48:05AM +0300, Evgenii Shatokhin wrote:
>> At the present time, perhaps, there are some drafts, random pieces of advice
>> or may be collections of patches that needed additional analysis and
>> rewriting? Such examples of the patches would be extremely useful even
>> without explanations.
> Unfortunately I don't have (or know of anything) like that yet.  But it
> would be good to start something.
>> I am asking because we are now considering using Kpatch at least for regular
>> testing of some updates for the kernels in our systems. Then (who knows) our
>> experts might decide to deliver security updates this way to our customers
>> too. So, one must be extra careful indeed, when preparing the patches.
>> Better to know the pitfalls earlier.
> I agree and I think that documenting best practices of the patch
> creation process will be very important for the future of kpatch (and
> live patching in general).
> As a first step, maybe we could start a collection of example converted
> patches in the kpatch git repo.  We could put a description of the patch
> analysis and conversion in the headers of the patches.  Once we have
> enough such case studies, we could then look for some emergent higher
> level patterns to document.
> Care to open a pull request for the tcp_cubic patch and any others you
> might want to discuss?  Perhaps we could put them in a new "examples"
> dir.

Sure, good idea. Here it is:


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