[kpatch] missing removal of changed_objs

Martin Carroll martin.carroll at nokia-bell-labs.com
Fri Jul 22 13:24:30 UTC 2016


There is what appears to me to be a glaring bug in the kbuild-patch 
script. Immediately after the script builds the original kernel, the 
following line should appear (but does not):


Without that line, the script goes on to die with a bogus "invalid 
ancestor" error. If you turn those bogus errors into warnings, then the 
script goes on to incorrectly put into the generated .ko file every 
single function that was compiled in the *original* kernel build, 
thereby producing an immense .ko file with more than 64k sections that 
the linux kernel cannot load.

Adding the above line fixes everything. Indeed, the description in 
README.md of how kpatch-build works implies that the above line has to 
be present in the kpatch-build script.

Fascinatingly enough, I have poked around through the git history and I 
cannot find the above line present in any earlier commit state. (I also 
cannot find a mention of this issue in the mail archives, although I 
might have missed it.) So I am wondering, how in the world does this 
script work for all of you?

Martin Carroll

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