#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import re import sys import gi gi.require_version('Libosinfo', '1.0') from gi.repository import Libosinfo loader = Libosinfo.Loader() loader.process_path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")) # natural/human sorting # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5967500/how-to-correctly-sort-a-string-with-a-number-inside def atof(text): try: retval = float(text) except ValueError: retval = text return retval def natural_keys(text): return [atof(c) for c in re.split(r'[+-]?([0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]*)?|[.][0-9]+)', text)] def _os_get_treeinfo_trees(osobj): ret = [] treelist = osobj.get_tree_list() for idx in range(treelist.get_length()): treeobj = treelist.get_nth(idx) if treeobj.get_url() and treeobj.get_treeinfo_family(): ret.append(treeobj) return ret def _find_all_url_trees(match): """ Return a list of Os objects that match the passed short-id starting string, and have both a tree URL and treeinfo family """ oslist = loader.get_db().get_os_list() ret = [] for idx in range(oslist.get_length()): osobj = oslist.get_nth(idx) if match and not osobj.get_short_id().startswith(match): continue if _os_get_treeinfo_trees(osobj): ret.append(osobj) ret.sort(key=lambda o: natural_keys(o.get_short_id())) return ret def _test_os_url(osobj): for tree in _os_get_treeinfo_trees(osobj): url = tree.get_url() arch = tree.get_architecture() kernelpath = tree.get_kernel_path() initrdpath = tree.get_initrd_path() print("Checking id=%s arch=%s" % (osobj.get_short_id(), arch)) checktree = Libosinfo.Tree.create_from_location(url, None) foundos, foundtree = loader.get_db().guess_os_from_tree(checktree) try: if not foundos: raise AssertionError("Didn't find any matching OS") if foundos.get_short_id() != osobj.get_short_id(): raise AssertionError("os=%s but foundos=%s" % (osobj.get_short_id(), foundos.get_short_id())) if foundtree.get_url() != url: raise AssertionError("url=%s but foundurl=%s" % (url, foundtree.get_url())) if foundtree.get_kernel_path() != kernelpath: raise AssertionError("kernel=%s but foundkernel=%s" % (kernelpath, foundtree.get_kernel_path())) if foundtree.get_initrd_path() != initrdpath: raise AssertionError("initrd=%s but foundinitrd=%s" % (initrdpath, foundtree.get_initrd_path())) except AssertionError as e: print("FAILED: %s\nURL: %s\n" % (e, url)) ############################## # main() and option handling # ############################## def _parse_args(): desc = None usage = None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=desc) parser.add_argument("match", nargs="?", help="Only test short-ids that start with this string") options = parser.parse_args() return options def _main(): """ This is a template for new command line programs. Copy and edit it! """ options = _parse_args() oslist = _find_all_url_trees(options.match) for osobj in oslist: _test_os_url(osobj) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(_main())