[Libvir] Request for additional entry points

Jim Fehlig jfehlig at novell.com
Fri Mar 31 17:56:06 UTC 2006

As discussed on the xen-cim call on 3/31, the Xen CIM provider needs 
some additional entry points in libvirt.  I would like to open a 
discussion about adding the following entry points to libvirt.

virDomainSetConfig(virConnectPtr conn, const char *xmlDesc)
Stores the domU config data in xenstore.  The domU is not running yet 
but enumerating domains would return the config for the domain as well 
as any running domains.  This would support the notion of a defined but 
inactive virtual machine.  Daniel noted that the config could be cached 
in libvirt, preventing (to some degree) modifying the config out-of-band 
prior to activating the domain.  Note that the current 
virConnectListDomains() implies enumerating only running domains since a 
list of domain IDs is returned.  Perhaps virConnectListDomains() will 
have to be expanded to include defined domains or another entry point to 
enumerate defined domains.

Related would be activating a defined domain.  Would clients get the 
domain config (via virDomainGetXMLDesc()) and subsequently pass it to 
virDomainCreateLinux() or another entry point to create a defined domain?

virDomainDeleteConfig(virConnectPtr conn, const char *name)
Removed domU config from xenstore (or cache).  DomU no longer "exists".  
What if domain is active upon invocation?

virDomainSetCurrentMemory(virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long memory)
Adjust the current memory usage for a domain.

virDomainReboot(virDomainPtr domain)
Reboot the domain.

virDomainMigrate(virDomainPtr domain, const char *host)
?? Not sure what can of worms might be opened by this one :-).


BTW, I can certainly help with the effort if an agreement is reached on 
adding this functionality.


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