[Libvir] Core dump while executing virsh in RHEL5 .

Veerendra veeren at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Oct 9 13:02:29 UTC 2007

Daniel Veillard wrote:
>   I still don't understand how you could get there (remote code
> while using xen:///) and why this could crash, except for a previous
> memory corruption.
> Please run the same command under valgrind and report,
> thanks,
> Daniel 
Now when I am running virsh using the valgrind it is listing fine!! 
But when I am trying to run virsh alone it is dumping the core again.
Attaching the valgrind.log file also.

[root at mx3650b new]# valgrind --log-file=valgrind.log  -v   virsh list
libvir: Remote error : No such file or directory
libvir: warning : Failed to find the network: Is the daemon running ?
 Id Name                 State
  0 Domain-0             running

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