[Libvir] [RFC] 0 of 4 Linux Container support

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Thu Mar 20 14:30:15 UTC 2008

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 11:13:44PM -0700, Dave Leskovec wrote:
> Greetings,


> Following are the patches adding linux container support.  The first three

 Great ! The container/ldom support and the Java bindings are really the
two next things I really want to see integrated in the next libvirt releases,

> patches are updated versions of the original three I posted.  They've been
> updated for the feedback I've received so far and to include some other recent
> libvirt changes.  The last patch adds support for starting a container.  Still
> working on shutdown and destroy but wanted to get the start code out for comments.

 Hum, I would rather avoid the N review passes that we had with the storage
and see things commited early in even if they are not complete or working
perfectly. It then makes the review of cleanups, fixes and extensions way
easier and we don't end up with a huge commit of a lot of stuff. If the 
code is not in a fully usable shape, just deactivate the configure option
by default.

> The XML format has been updated to this:
> <domain type='linuxcontainer'>

  I would rather keep the type attribute value small, and if possible
the same as the one used for the connection URIs, 'lxr' would be just fine

>     <name>TestContainer1</name>
>     <os>
>         <init>/home/dlesko/src/dev/lxc/lxc_rcinit</init>
>     </os>
>     <memory>65536</memory>
>     <devices>
>         <filesystem type='mount'>
>             <source dir='/home/dlesko/lxc_files/tmp/'/>
>             <target dir='/tmp/'/>
>         </filesystem>
>         <console tty='/dev/ptmx'/>
>     </devices>
> </domain>
> All comments and questions are welcome.

  What do you think of the idea of commiting parts 1/2/3 once we are done
with their second review ?


Red Hat Virtualization group http://redhat.com/virtualization/
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
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