[libvirt] [PATCH 00/12] Domain Events : DONE !

Ben Guthro bguthro at virtualiron.com
Thu Oct 23 13:53:00 UTC 2008

Also - 

Additional work is needed in the hypervisor drivers other than qemu to properly emit domain events.

My initial patch submission included some code designed to add, and monitor xenstore watches. It would be nice to get this integrated, as well.

Ben Guthro wrote on 10/23/2008 09:40 AM:
>>     Again congratulations ! I think this also means the next release
>> will be a 0.5.0 since this is a major API addition. I still looking
>> at the other pending patches though, it would be better to have them
>> in the next release ... oh and I want your java bindings and we need
>> Python too  (and QPid !) :-)
> Great news!
> I'm just starting to look at the Python bindings...tryng to wrap my head around this whole process. Java will come after this, though I haven't even begun to look at it. As for Qpid... I suppose that will come after all the others. I've been mostly ignoring this, hoping I wouldn't have to know the gory details...but I guess that's unavoidable.
> Dave Lively's patches for HAL, and DevKit have some java bindings that are mostly done...I think submitting them are still on his TODO list. Are these the ones you are referring to?
> Thanks for accepting the patches!
> Ben
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