[libvirt] [PATCH 2/4] VirtualBox support

Pritesh Kothari Pritesh.Kothari at Sun.COM
Fri Apr 17 09:17:58 UTC 2009

Hi All,

> Patch 2/4: contains new files needed for VirtualBox support.

Resending this patch again with the "hostonly", "internal" network and rdp 
functionality spilt up in two separate patches.

the patches are as follows:

vbox_2009_04_16.patch1_split : the whole patch 2 with no rdp and 
hostonly/internal network stuff, it also fix's the bugs mentioned earlier on 
the list

vbox_2009_04_16.patch1_rdp: patch to turn on the rdp functionality

vbox_2009_04_16.patch1_net: patch to turn on the hostonly/internal network 

vbox_2009_04_16.patch2 and vbox_2009_04_16.patch3 as sent yesterday are 
required only if you use  vbox_2009_04_16.patch1_net and 
vbox_2009_04_16.patch1_rdp respectively.

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