[libvirt] Strange nodedev-dumpxml ??

arnaud.champion at devatom.fr arnaud.champion at devatom.fr
Wed Feb 2 15:45:35 UTC 2011


I have maybe a strange thing on a nodedev-dumpxml virsh result :

virsh # nodedev-dumpxml block_sr0
  <capability type='storage'>
    <model>DVD RW DRU-190S</model>
    <capability type='removable'>

I think (note I'm not sure), the capabilty type removable should be in the device element, like this :

virsh # nodedev-dumpxml block_sr0
  <capability type='storage'>
    <model>DVD RW DRU-190S</model>
  <capability type='removable'>


Let me know if I'm wrong.


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