[libvirt] [libvirt-php] About the inconsistency in libvirt-php

Michal Novotny minovotn at redhat.com
Tue Feb 22 07:01:54 UTC 2011

On 02/22/2011 05:12 AM, Lyre wrote:
>      WARNING: In previous releases of libvirt-php, the function
>     libvirt_list_defined_domains()
>               was returning the wrong kind of information.  It
>     *should* have been showing all
>               persistent domains, both active and inactive.  However
>     it was instead showing
>               just inactive domains.
> Hi justin, Is there a way to list the "defined/persistent" domains in 
> libvirt?
> virConenctListDefinedDomains() doesn't behavior like that.
> I'm really amazed, the behavior of "defined" in libvirt development 
> guide seems to be equivalent to "inactive".
>  But you guys told me there are different, it refer to the persistent 
> domains.

 From my understanding virConnectListActiveDomains() is listing all the 
active (running) domains and virConnectListDefinedDomains() is listing 
all the inactive domains that are defined since if we create a domain 
directly from XML, i.e. non-persistent, we have the domain in active 
domains list but it's not defined. Only inactive but defined domains are 
in the defined list AFAIK.

If we have 2 domains created *directly* from XML file, 3 persistent 
domains active and 4 domains inactive (but defined) we should be getting 
number 5 from virConnectListActiveDomains() since 2 + 3. For defined 
(inactive) domains we should be getting number for and total number 
should be 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 domains.


Michal Novotny<minovotn at redhat.com>, RHCE
Virtualization Team (xen userspace), Red Hat

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