[libvirt] documenting the 802.1Qbg parameters of a 'direct' interface

Eric Blake eblake at redhat.com
Fri Mar 11 16:40:05 UTC 2011

On 03/11/2011 02:47 AM, Gerhard Stenzel wrote:
> This patchs adds documentation about the 802.1Qbg related parameters 
> of the virtualport element in a 'direct' interface definition.

Thanks!  Doc work is never as fun as code, but it's equally (if not
more) important.

> +    <p>
> +      The network access of direct attached virtual machines can be
> +      managed by the hardware switch to which the physical interface
> +      of the host machine is connected to.
> +    <p>
> +      The interface can have additional parameters as shown below,
> +      if the switch is conforming to the IEEE 802.1Qbg standard.
> +      The parameters of the virtualport element are documented in more detail
> +      in the IEEE 802.1Qbg standard. The values are network specific and
> +      should be provided by the network administrator. In 802.1Qbg terms,
> +      the Virtual Station Interface (VSI) represents the virtual inferface


ACK with the nit fixed, so I pushed it.

Eric Blake   eblake at redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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